St Joachim Church ~Parish Picnic
Saturday ~July 25th
Kennedy Park15031704367_b2eafdcd01_b
We are asking everyone to bring a
dish to share, and we have made it
even easier for you to decide what
you can bring—
look at this list and find the group that
you identify most with, whether it is
the Mass you attend or a ministry that
you serve in and then bring that food.
If you find yourself in more than one
of these groups, just pick one —
Water, Soda & Ice~~Music Ministry
Meats to grill (hamburgers, hotdogs
and buns) ~~ Simbang Gabi: 4:30
Mass, 2:00 Mass, Euchristic
Ministers, Spanish, St Vincent de Paul
Society, Liturgy Committee, Amigos
de Cristo, Finance Committee
Salads ~~ Events Committee: 6:00
Saturday Mass, 6:00 Sunday Mass,
Ministry to the Sick, Pastoral Council,
Santo Nino Group
Desserts ~~ Eucharistic Ministers–
English, 7:30 Mass, Faith Formation
Catechists, Senior Group, Knights of
Columbus, Technology Committee,
Ushers & Greeters, Lectors—Spanish.
Fruits ~~ Legion of Mary (all
Presidiums): 9:0 Mass, Our Lady of
Perpetual help
Chips~~ All Altar Servers: 10:30
Mass, Girl Scouts, Bible Study –
Spanish, St Joachim School,
Rice/Pasta/Potatoes ~~ Guadalupanos:
12:15 Mass, Bible Study-
English, Lectors—English,
Apostleship of Prayer, Cub Scouts,Art
Environment, Marriage Enounter–
*** The first group listed makes sure
that’s the food table for that item is
well stocked /neat and empty
containers removed. — These groups
are “italicized”