Pastors Desk 01-21-18

The month of December is a busy month for most parishes in the US. Our parish, which is one of the most active parishes in the diocese of Oakland, becomes fully alive with various kinds of preparations and celebrations during the month of December. Immediately after...

Vatican Corner 01-14-18

VATICAN CORNER  In Christianity, the mortal remains of deceased saints are associated with the holiness of their souls which await reunion with their bodies in the resurrection; therefore those mortal remains should receive special care and veneration (deep respect)....

Pastors Desk 01-14-18

In the book, No Bad Dogs, British dog trainer Barbara Woodhouse says dogs understand love better than we do. She writes, “In a dog’s mind, a master or a mistress to love, honor, and obey is an absolute necessity. Love is dormant in the dog until brought into full...

Vatican Corner 01-07-18

VATICAN CORNER This year the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square is not getting rave reviews from some people. It is criticized for not being the peaceful scene of a silent night, all cozy calm and bright. Ever since Pope Saint John Paul II moved the Nativity to the...

Pastors Desk 01-07-18

The Magi were not Kings, but a caste of Persian priests who served Kings using their skills in interpreting dreams and watching movements of stars. The sixth century Italian tradition that there were three Magi, Casper, Balthazar, and Melchior, is based on the fact...