Pastors Desk 05-07-17

I was born in Kadiapatanam, a large sea shore village located in the southern most part of India. The entire village was converted to Catholicism by St. Francis Xavier in 1544. The people of the village are highly devoted to Christianity. Like most children in the...

Volunteering at St. Joachim.

Share your time and talents with your Faith Community!! Are you interested in volunteering at St. Joachim, but not sure exactly what you might like to do? We are currently looking for Communion Ministers, Lectors and Ushers for all Masses. We are also looking for...

Vatican Corner 04-30-17

VATICAN CORNER How many Vatican worker does it take to change a light bulb? Well, in St. Peter’s Cathedral it takes 4, because the chandeliers have to be lowered a distance of 33 floors. Behind the scenes at the Vatican there is a small army of workers performing the...