Pastor’s Desk 12-06-2020

Being a *ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST* is ranked among the four most difficult “professions” in the world. This is because a ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST must be at the same time: Preacher,  example, advisor, former, planner, minister, visionary, director, mentor,...

Pastor’s Desk 11-29-2020

Anticipating the end of the world in 1975, twenty-four men, women, and children from Grannis, Arkansas, moved into one tiny house and waited there for ten months. The end did not come as they had expected, and they were evicted for not paying their rent. In 1986 a man...

Pastor’s Desk 11-22-2020

On His Majesty’s Service: Polycarp, the fifth century bishop of Smyrna, was arrested and brought before the Roman authorities. He was told if he cursed Christ, he would be released. He replied, “Eighty-six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong;...

Pastor’s Desk 11-15-2020

Columbus trusted his maps and calculations, considered his risks and sailed off to encounter the “new world.” Magellan based his charts and maps on the most current information then available, and boldly circumnavigated the world. A few centuries later in...

Pastor’s Desk 11-08-2020

A young man applied for a job as a farm hand. When asked for his qualifications, he said, “I can sleep when the wind blows.” This puzzled the farmer, but he liked the young man and hired him. A few days later, the farmer and his wife were awakened in the...

Pastor’s Desk 11-01-2020

Elephantine shock therapy. The story has been told of a lion who was very proud. He decided to take a walk one day to demonstrate his mastery over all the other creatures. He strutted his way through the forest until he came across a bear. “WHO IS THE KING OF THE...