On the southern border of the Persian empire of Cyrus, there lived a great chieftain named Cagular who tore to shreds and completely defeated the various detachments of Cyrus’ army sent to subdue him. Finally the emperor, amassing his whole army, marched down, surrounded Cagular, captured him, and brought him to the capital for execution. On the day of the trial, he and his family were brought to the judgment chamber. Cagular, a fine-looking man of more than 6 feet, with a noble manner about him was a magnificent specimen of manhood. So impressed was Cyrus with his appearance that he said to Cagular, “What would you do should I spare your life?” “Your Majesty, if you spared my life, I would return to my home and remain your obedient servant as long as I lived.” “What would you do if I spared the life of your wife?” “Your Majesty, if you spared the life of my wife, I would die for you.” So moved was the emperor that he freed them both and returned Cagular to his province to act as governor thereof. Upon arriving at home, Cagular reminisced about the trip with his wife. “Did you notice,” he said to his wife, “the marble at the entrance of the palace? Did you notice the tapestry on the wall as we went down the corridor into the throne room? And did you see the chair on which the emperor sat? It must have been carved from one lump of pure gold.” His wife could appreciate his excitement, but she only replied: “I really didn’t notice any of that.” “Well,” said Cagular in amazement, “What did you see?” His wife looked seriously into his eyes and said, “I beheld only the face of the man who said to the emperor that he would die for me.” Today’s Gospel presents before us the face of God’s Son who was sent to die for us, demonstrating God’s mercy and love for each one of us.


The story is told of a priest who was coming back to his parish house one evening in the dark only to be accosted by a robber who pulled a gun at him and demanded, “Your money or your life!” As the priest reached his hand into his coat pocket the robber saw his Roman collar and said, “So you are a priest? Then you can go.” The priest was rather surprised at this unexpected show of piety and so tried to reciprocate by offering the robber his packet of cigarettes, to which the robber replied, “No, Father, I am a practicing Catholic. I don’t smoke during Lent.”

Fr.Joseph Antony Sebastian
St. Joachim Church
21255 Hesperian BlvdHayward, CA, USA 94541
Office Phone: 510 783 2766


En la frontera sur del imperio Persa de Ciro, vivía a un gran cacique llamado Cagular que rompió en pedazos y derrotó completamente a los diferentes destacamentos del ejército Cyrus enviado para someterlo. Finalmente el emperador, acumulando todo su ejército marchó, rodeando a Cagular, lo capturó y lo trajo a la capital para su ejecución. En el día del juicio, él y su familia fueron llevados a la sala de juicio. Cagular, un hombre apuesto de más de 6 pies, con una manera noble, era un magnífico ejemplar de hombría. Estaba tan impresionado Cyrus con su aspecto que le dijo a Cagular, “¿Qué haría usted para prescindir de tu vida?” “Su Majestad, si perdona mi vida, me regreso a mi casa y seria su humilde servidor mientras viva.” “¿Qué harías si salvo la vida de tu esposa?” “Su Majestad, si perdona la vida de mi esposa, moriría por ud.” Tan conmovido quedo el emperador que liberó a los dos y devolvieron a Cagular a su provincia para actuar como su gobernador. Al llegar a casa, Cagular reflexionó sobre el viaje con su esposa. “Viste,” le dijo a su esposa, “el mármol en la entrada del Palacio. ¿Notaste el tapiz en la pared cuando fuimos por el pasillo a la sala del trono? ¿Y viste la silla en la que el emperador estaba sentado? Lo han deber tallado de un bulto de oro puro.” Su esposa pudo apreciar su excitación, pero ella sólo respondió: “Realmente no vi nada de eso.” “Bueno”, dijo Cagular asombrado, “¿Qué viste?” Su esposa lo miró seriamente a los ojos y le dijo: “Vi solamente la cara del hombre que le dijo al emperador que moriría por mí”. El Evangelio de hoy presenta ante nosotros el rostro del Hijo de Dios quien fue enviado para morir por nosotros, demostrando la misericordia de Dios y su amor por cada uno de nosotros.


Se cuenta la historia de un Sacerdote que volvía a su casa parroquial una noche en la oscuridad sólo para ser abordado por un ladrón quien le apuntó con un arma y exigió, “tu dinero o tu vida!” ¿Cuando el Sacerdote metió su mano en el bolsillo de su abrigo el ladrón vio el cuello romano y le dijo, “así que usted es un Sacerdote? Entonces puedes irte.” El Sacerdote bastante sorprendido por esta inesperada muestra de piedad, trató de reciprocar al ladrón ofreciéndole su paquete de cigarrillos, a lo que el ladrón le respondió, “No, Padre, yo soy un Católico practicante. Yo no fumo durante la Cuaresma”.

Fr.Joseph Antony Sebastian
St. Joachim Church
21255 Hesperian BlvdHayward, CA, USA 94541
Office Phone: 510 783 2766