con nued… The logo and the mo$o for the Jubilee Year provide fi(ng summaries of what the Jubilee Year is all about. The mo$o: “Merciful Like The Father” from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36 serves as an invita on to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn, but to forgive and give love and forgiveness without measure. The logo designed by Jesuit priest Marko I.Rupnik is of Christ the Shepherd who in his great mercy has taken upon his shoulders the lost soul of humanity and through his love and the mystery of his incarna on and sacrifice comes salva on from sin. In the logo Christ’s eyes are merged with those of man’s, indica ng he see with the eyes man and every man see through Christ his own humanity and the future that lies ahead with the love of God the Father. The three concentric ovals, with colors progressively lighter moving outward indicates the movement of Christ who carries humanity out of the darkness of sin and death. The depth of the darker color indicates the impenetrability of the love of the Father who forgives all. On January 20, 2016 a woman gave birth to a baby girl on a piece of cardboard near St. Peter’s Square. Later in the day, on a mission of mercy, Pope Francis’ top charity official, Monsignor Konrad Krajewski, visited her and offered a place to stay for a year at a Va can-owned residence for mothers and babies in need. At the me of the offer the woman had not decided to accept. Italian police said a patrol stopped to help the woman a&er she gave birth in a square just beyond Va can territory at about 2 a.m. when the temperature was around freezing. Police officer Maria Capone said when she got close she saw that the baby was already born and was s ll a$ached by the umbilical cord to the mother. With her colleagues they tried to warm them by covering them with their uniform jackets. The baby regained color in her face a&er being covered. An ambulance took mother and child to a nearby hospital. The baby’s mother and father, both Romanian, were known to the Va can as they some mes showered at facili es Krajewski’s office had built off St. Peter’s Square for the growing number of homeless in the area. On January 12, 2016 Pope Francis received the first copy of the Italian edi on of his book length interview with journalist Andrea Tornielli, en tled The Name of God is Mercy. The book is available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. During the interview, Pope Francis answered 40 ques ons, which have been divided into 9 chapters. to be con nued …
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