Vatican Corner 09-09-18

On Sunday August 26, 2018 an eleven page letter written by retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, now 77 – a lifetime Vatican “ insider ”, was published which made serious accusations against Pope Francis but offered no evidence. In the letter he accused Francis...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series: Part 3

Why not let the child decide? This has become a common solution in the world today; “ I ’ ll just let my child decide what they want! ” Which means that nothing will happen until the child at least reaches the Age of Reason, when they can legally make rational...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series: Part 2

Why Godparents? So often this question is answered “ because the church said I had to have two ”, or “ my relative said I needed them ”; even more shocking answer, “ to care for the child if something happens to the parents ”. As a convert to Catholicism, I shuddered...