Faith Formation LATE Registrations

Faith Formation Registration: Catechism, Confirmation & RCIA 2015-2016 Late Registration dates for the 2015-2016 Faith Formation year – held in Faith Formation Office July 22, 23, 34 ~ 3-6 PM Registration Requirements: Must be a Registered Member of the...

Welcome Fr. Stephen

Welcome Fr. Stephen Ayisu, SVD We welcome Fr. Stephen Ayisu serving as our new Parochial Vicar starting July 1, 2015 . Fr. Stephen took his vows in 1996 and became a Priest in 2002. He is from Ghana, Africa and has served 5 1/2 years in Argentina before being assigned...

Picnic 2015

St Joachim Church ~Parish Picnic Saturday ~July 25th Kennedy Park We are asking everyone to bring a dish to share, and we have made it even easier for you to decide what you can bring— look at this list and find the group that you identify most with, whether it is the...

Vatican Corner 7-5-15

continued … Pope Francis uses poetry, prose and a steady stream of stern recriminations to urge mankind onto a path of survival in his recently released environmental encyclical. He says” very solid scientific consensus” confirms global warming and rising seas, and...