Farewell Party – Father Mario

Farewell Party for Fr. Mario June 28th in the Gym after the 6 PM MASS Come say Goodbye to Fr. Mario before he moves to San Diego Please bring an appetizer or snack item to share with everyone  Fiesta de Despedida para el Padre Mario 28 de Junio en el Gimnasio después...

Vatican Corner 6-21-15

continued … The Catholic Church remains an important political institution in Cuba even though attendance is low. It helped negotiate the release of scores of jailed dissidents in 2011 and 2012. The Castro government has made major concessions to church authorities...

Pray 6-21-15

Vicky Gabriel Alzira Seishas Ralph Nicholas A. Barreto Florentina Corpus Leticia Garcia Dawn Michelle Major Michael Diamond Carol Esperanza Colon Michael Avalos David Sanchez Maria Rossman Josephine Alvarez Juanita Estrellas Rachel Pangilinan Caruz Kathryn Noel Major...

Pastor’s Desk 6-21-15

The 1989 Armenian earthquake needed only four minutes to flatten that nation and kill 30,000 people. Moments after that earthquake had stopped, a father raced to an elementary school to save his son. When he arrived, he saw the building had been leveled. Looking at...