Congratulation 2015 Graduates!

Devin Aduviso Clarissa Alvarez Joshua Ancheta Matthew Archuletta Emilio Barrot Isabel DeGuzman Miguel Duharte Jenna Duran Elizabeth Flores Vicente Flores Renee Francisco Olivia Garcia Antonio Gonzalez Anna Hirayama-Morgan Camille Johnson Kenny Kinzler Alejandra Loera...

Vatican Corner 5-31-15

  continued…After years of prayers by Catholic nuns and controversy among American Indian groups, Pope Francis has decided that while visiting the United State in September, he will canonize as a saint, Junípero Serra, the Spanish priest who founded nine...
Pastor’s Desk 5-31-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-31-15

The late Cardinal Cushing told of an occasion when he was administering last rites to a man who had collapsed in a general store. Following his usual custom, he knelt by the man and asked, “Do you believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy...

Vatican Corner 5-24-15

Continued … Pennsylvania artist Neilson Carlin was selected by the organizers of the 2015 Philadelphia World Meeting of Families Congress to create a portrait of the Holy Family to serve as the icon for the event. His four-by-five-foot oil on canvas painting...