Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Some years ago in the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, the members of one of the large Presbyterian churches decided to undertake a religious census among some 2000 homes in their district. When the results were in, the pastor of the church found himself seated at...

Pray 4-26-15

Vicky Gabriel Alzira Seishas Ralph Nicholas A. Barreto Florentina Corpus Leticia Garcia Dawn Michelle Major Michael Diamond Carol Esperanza Colon Michael Avalos David Sanchez Maria Rossman Josephine Alvarez Juanita Estrellas Rachel Pangilinan Caruz Kathryn Noel Major...

Let us pray…

Let us pray… God of the invitation, you knock upon the door of everyone’s heart. We seek the courage to open that door, for we know the responsibility of saying yes. We humbly ask you for your wisdom to serve your church with compassion and acceptance. We...