by sjchurchadmin | Feb 14, 2015 | News and Info, Vatican Corner
During a talk on fatherhood at his general audience on Wednesday February 4, 2015, Pope Francis departed from his prepared text to recount a conversation he once had with a father at a family encounter. Francis indicated that he agreed with the father’s use of...
by sjchurchadmin | Feb 14, 2015 | News and Info, Pastor's Desk
In 1981 Peter Cropper, a British violinist, was invited to Finland to play a special concert. As a personal favor to Peter, the Royal Academy of Music lent him their priceless 285-year old Stradivarius to use in the concert. This rare instrument takes it name from the...
by sjchurchadmin | Feb 12, 2015 | News and Info, Rel Ed, Resources, School, Youth
Q. Why do we say that there are forty days of Lent? When you count all the days from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, there are 46. A. It might be more accurate to say that there is the “forty day fast within Lent.” Historically, Lent has varied from...
by sjchurchadmin | Feb 12, 2015 | News and Info, Pics, Rel Ed, Resources, School, Youth
Got a minute? Watch this video and learn what Lent is REALLY about. It’s more than just giving up candy 🙂
by sjchurchadmin | Feb 12, 2015 | News and Info, Pics, Rel Ed, Resources, School, Vatican Corner, Youth
Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads....
by sjchurchadmin | Feb 12, 2015 | Bulletins, News and Info
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