Pastor’s Desk 02-10-2019

One of the few creatures on earth that can out – jump Michael Jordan is the Impala. This is an African deer with a supercharged spring. It has a vertical leap of over 10 feet and can broad – jump over 30 feet. You would think that the zoos of the world...

Pastors Desk 02-03-19

John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States and the son of a former President, reportedly said that he would rather clean filth from the streets than be President. Scripture tells us that most of the prophets shared John Quincy Adams ’ feeling of...

Pastors Desk 01-27-2019

In 1835, Elijah Lovejoy saw a man lynched. It changed his life. He cut back on his career as a Presbyterian pastor and as a schoolteacher. He went back to his earlier training as a newspaper editor and began to write anti-slavery tracts. He delivered speeches and...

Pastors Desk 01-20-19

Johnny Carson (who hosted the Tonight Show for 30 yearsft, was interviewing an eight-year-old boy one night. The young man was asked to appear on the Late Show because he had rescued two friends from a coal mine outside his hometown in West Virginia. As Johnny...

Pastors Desk 01-13-19

The late Nelson Mandela (died December 5, 2013ft, will go down as one of the greatest leaders of this century. He was instrumental in ending apartheid and bringing about a multiracial society in South Africa. Mandela belonged to the Xhosa people, and grew up in the...

Pastors Desk 01-06-19

A survey was made among school children asking the question why they enjoyed reading Harry Potter novels and watching Harry Potter movies. The most common answer was, “Because you never know what’s going to happen next.” This sense of suspense and surprise prompt us...