Pastors Desk 11-04-18

Less than a year after Richard and Judie Wheeler began building their dream house in Winona, Texas, Richard learned he had cancer. For the first time in months, the saws and hammers were silent around the Wheeler home. Then a member of the Wheelers’ church...

Pastors Desk 10-28-2018

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, told a story on himself. He was waiting for a taxi outside the railway station in Paris. When the taxi pulled up, he put his suitcase in it and then got in the taxi. As he was about to tell the taxi-driver where...

Pastors Desk 10-21-18

During the American Revolution, a man in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers who were busy pulling out a horse carriage stuck in deep mud. Their officer was shouting instructions to them while making no attempt to help. The stranger who witnessed the scene...

Pastors Desk 10-07-2018

A British couple holds the Guinness world record for the longest marriage. Percy and Florence Arrowsmith married on June 1, 1925 and celebrated their 80th anniversary on June 1, 2005. “I think we’re very blessed,” Florence, 100, told the BBC....

Pastors Desk 09-30-18

It was one of the most gripping news stories of 2003. In the beautiful but desolate mountains of southeastern Utah, a twenty – seven – year – old mountain climber named Aron Ralston, made a desperate decision. An avid outdoors man, Aron was rock...

Pastor’s Desk 09-25-18

At the screening of the film Mot her Teresa during the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations in 1983, the Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar rose from his seat to introduce St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) to an elite gathering of the representatives...