Pastors Desk 07-09-17

Some of the quotes, sayings and speeches are so wonderful and thought provoking that we remembered them forever. One such speech I heard was spoken by our major seminary rector on the day of the Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee celebration of one of our seminary professors....

Pastors Desk 07-02-17

There was a poor lad in a country village who, after a great struggle, became a priest. His benefactor in his days of study in the seminary was the village cobbler. In due time, the new priest became an associate pastor in his benefactor’s parish. On that day his...

Pastors Desk 06-25-17

Among the many wonders at the world-famous San Diego Zoo is the giraffe compound. Enclosed in a natural habitat are several of these magnificent animals. They are every bit as tall and graceful as one might imagine. But they are far more massive and muscular than...

Pastors Desk 06-18-17

Why do Catholics believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” “My flesh is true...

Pastors Desk 06-11-17

When the bishop’s ship stopped at a remote island for a day, he decided to use the time as profitably as possible. He strolled along the seashore and came across three fishermen mending their nets. In Pidgin English they explained to him that, centuries ago, they had...

Pastors Desk 06-04-17

An old beggar lay on his deathbed. His last words were to his youngest son who had been his constant companion during his begging trips. “Dear son,” he said, “I have nothing to give you except a cotton bag and a dirty bronze bowl which I got in my younger days...