Pastor’s Desk 5-10-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-10-15

While Father is on Vacation, we are printing a past Mother’s Day Pastor’s Desk — Happy Mother’s Day!! My mom only had one eye. I hated her…. She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. There was this one day during...
Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Some years ago in the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, the members of one of the large Presbyterian churches decided to undertake a religious census among some 2000 homes in their district. When the results were in, the pastor of the church found himself seated at...

Pastor’s Desk 4-26-15

One census taker went to the home of a rather poor family in the mountains of West Virginia to     gather information. He asked the mother how many dependents she had. She began, “Well, there is  Rosie, and Billy, and Lewella, Susie, Harry, and Jeffrey....
Pastor’s Desk 4-19-15

Pastor’s Desk 4-19-15

Egyptian pyramids are world-famous as one of the “seven Wonders” of the ancient world. But they are actually gigantic tombs containing the           mummified bodies of Egyptian        Pharaohs. Westminster Abby is        famous, and thousands visit it because the...
Pastor’s Desk 3-29-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-29-15

Rome was celebrating its temporary victory over Alaric the Goth in its usual manner, by watching gladiators fight to the death in the arena, when suddenly there was an interruption. A rudely robed figure boldly leaped down into the arena. Telemachus was one of the...
Pastor’s Desk 3-22-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-22-15

For a Catholic, there is nothing more precious than the Communion. Because we firmly believe that what is consecrated on the altar, what the priest gives to us at the time of communion, what we hold in our hand and what we consume is the body and the blood of Jesus....