Pastor’s Desk 3-15-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-15-15

On the southern border of the Persian empire of Cyrus, there lived a great chieftain named Cagular who tore to shreds and completely defeated the various detachments of Cyrus’ army sent to subdue him. Finally the emperor, amassing his whole army, marched down,...
Pastor’s Desk 3-8-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-8-15

The Diocese of Oakland under the leadership of the present bishop Most Rev. Michael Barber SJ has begun a Capital Campaign for the entire diocese of Oakland. This capital campaign is mainly to raise money to support the various programs of the diocese with a long time...
Pastor’s Desk 3-1-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-1-15

There is nothing more heartening for a writer than to see what he writes is eagerly read by the people. Many times I was stopped on the way by Spanish speaking parishioners of ours to say how much they enjoy reading the Pastor’s desk in our parish bulletin. Some of...
Pastor’s Desk 2-22-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-22-15

We have begun the season of lent. During this season many of us have the habit of giving up something as a Lenten sacrifice. Recently I read an article in which Mr. Jackson Craig Gates writes about things that we can give up during the season of lent. I think they are...
Pastor’s Desk 2-15-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-15-15

In 1981 Peter Cropper, a British violinist, was invited to Finland to play a special concert. As a personal favor to Peter, the Royal Academy of Music lent him their priceless 285-year old Stradivarius to use in the concert. This rare instrument takes it name from the...
Pastor’s Desk 2-8-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-8-15

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a crisp new $20 bill. There were 200 people in the room. The speaker asked them, “How many of you would like to have this $20 bill?” Hands went up all over the room. Then the speaker said,...