Vatican Corner 05-09-2021

Research conducted by the Vatican’s Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital of Rome has made an important breakthrough in cancer research and has now discovered the one missing piece of information about the process through which cells, including cancer cells, mature and...

Vatican Corner 05-02-2021

In 1869, the Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital of Rome was founded from the initiative of the Salviati family with the help of friends and benefactors. Duchess Arabella Salviati was deeply moved when seeing young patients hospitalized alongside adults without any...

Vatican Corner 04-25-2021

The Catholic Church like most organized religions has for centuries reached out to the deaf and hard of hearing. Today Catholics have a significant worldwide ministry for the deaf community; however, historically the Church’s position on deafness was not so kindly....

Vatican Corner 04-18-2021

St. Peter’s Basilica has 11 chapels and 45 altars, of which many have been used every morning by priests to celebrate their daily Mass. The Code of Canon Law state that “priests are earnestly invited to offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist daily…” Priests generally...

Vatican Corner 04-11-2021

For the second year in a row, the ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter, which Pope Francis presides over, were changed to streaming services online because of the covid-19 restrictions. The ceremonies were not open to the general public because of the need for social...

Vatican Corner 04-04-2021

Why does the date of Easter which marks the date of Jesus’ death and resurrection move around from year to year? Sometimes it comes at the end of March and other times it happens in late April. It all has to do with the cycles of the moon. According to the Bible,...