Vatican Corner 06-07-2020

On May 10, 2020, the Italian newspaper II Messaggero made the claim that they had a copy of an internal financial analysis that was given to Pope Francis during a recent meeting with the heads of the Vatican departments. The newspaper claimed the analysis stated that...

Vatican Corner 05-31-2020

St. Peter’s Basilica, the 2,000 year old home to most of the Catholic Church’s crucial ceremonies, and one of the holiest Catholic shrines in the world, is being prepared for reopening to the public after being closed to visitors and pilgrims for more than two months....

Vatican Corner 05-24-2020

Nine days after his election as pope on March 22, 2013, Francis started inviting small groups of people to the chapel at his residence at the Casa Santa Marta guest house for early morning Mass. His first invited guests to Mass were the Vatican gardeners and garbage...

Vatican Corner 05-17-2020

During the coronavirus shelter-in-place rules, many Catholic are concerned about how they can obtain the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The sacrament’s goal is to forgive serious postbaptismal sin so that one’s friendly and familial conversation with God and the Church...

Vatican Corner 05-10-2020

The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 was the most severe in recent history, and yet it is largely forgotten today. Despite killing more people than were killed in combat in both World Wars combined. The pandemic was poorly covered by newspapers of the day, as a world war...

Vatican Corner 05-03-2020

There is an army of women religious throughout the world who are combating the Covid-19 pandemic. As well as the nurse nuns who care for the sick in the hospitals, there are thousands of women religious who are using prayer to fight the virus. In Italy some nuns use...