Vatican Corner 10-21-18

In Beijing, China on September 22, 2018 the Holy See and the government of China signed a historic agreement regarding how Roman Catholic bishops in China are to be appointed. This was a first step towards the repair of diplomatic relations which ended in 1951. Pope...

Vatican Corner 10-07-18

Located in the Vatican next door to the Apostolic Library and just north of the Sistine Chapel is the Vatican Secret Archives which houses 53 miles of shelves holding historical documents dating back more than 12 centuries. The word secret is really a mistranslation...

Vatican Corner 07-30-18

(… continued) At the morning Mass on Sept. 3, 2018, Pope Francis ’ used his homily to say that the answer to division and scandal should be silence and prayer, and ask the Lord for the grace to discern when it is better to remain quiet “ with people who do not...

Vatican Corner 09-25-18

(… continued) It is said that one of the most alarming aspects of Archbishop Viganó ’ s 11 page attack letter is the picture it paints of the misgoverning and even sabotage that has taken place by successive Vatican secretaries of state. They are described as...

Vatican Corner 09-16-18

… continued The motivation for retired Archbishop Viganó’s dramatic lefter of attack on Pope Francis may also have to do with the set of people the Pope has promoted in the Church. They included Bishop McElroy of San Diego, Cardinal Cupich of Chicago, Cardinal...

Vatican Corner 09-09-18

On Sunday August 26, 2018 an eleven page letter written by retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, now 77 – a lifetime Vatican “ insider ”, was published which made serious accusations against Pope Francis but offered no evidence. In the letter he accused Francis...