Vatican Corner 01-28-18

VATICAN CORNER The widely reported “spontaneous” wedding performed by Pope Francis flying over Chile may not have been as spontaneous as it appeared, and may have been planned well in advance. The December 19, 2017 edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio had an...

Vatican Corner 01-21-18

VATICAN CORNER After accepting the invitations of the two countries’ leader and their bishops, eighty-one-year-old Pope Francis will be visiting Chile and Peru from January 15th through 21st, 2018. This is his fifth visit to La n America, and his 22nd visit abroad....

Vatican Corner 01-14-18

VATICAN CORNER  In Christianity, the mortal remains of deceased saints are associated with the holiness of their souls which await reunion with their bodies in the resurrection; therefore those mortal remains should receive special care and veneration (deep respect)....

Vatican Corner 01-07-18

VATICAN CORNER This year the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square is not getting rave reviews from some people. It is criticized for not being the peaceful scene of a silent night, all cozy calm and bright. Ever since Pope Saint John Paul II moved the Nativity to the...

Vatican Corner 12-31-17

VATICAN CORNER Christmas 2017 is being celebrated with a new postage stamp series jointly created by the Vatican and the principality of Monaco. The stamps feature the artwork of Stefano Morri, and show the Annunciation of Our Lady, and the Virgin & Child, while...

Vatican Corner 12-24-17

VATICAN CORNER The Vatican’s Christmas tree this year is a 60 year old giant 69 foot high red fir which lost its !p when it was hit by lighting some years ago. It was given by the archdiocese of Elk, in northeastern Poland. A member of the forestry service cut down...