Vatican Corner 12-17-17

VATICAN CORNER In another round of sick propaganda, Islamic State terrorist have threatened the Vatican and Pope Francis in a poster that was placed on social media showing a masked man in a rear view mirror looking through a car windshield at the Vatican. He has...

Vatican Corner 12-10-17

VATICAN CORNER On November 27, 2017, Pope Francis took his 21st trip outside Italy and flew 10 hour to Southeast Asia to visit Myanmar (also known as Burma) and then to Bangladesh 3 days later. This trip replaced his visit to India which fell through. Myanmar is...

Vatican Corner 12-03-17

VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis celebrated the first ever World Day of the Poor in St. Peter’s Basilica on November 19, 2017. There were between 6,000 and 7,000 people attending Mass, and about 4,000 of them were poor people who had been the invited special guests. Those...

Vatican Corner 11-26-17

VATICAN CORNER Vatican Press Office announced on November 9, 2017 that Pope Francis has decided to put a stop to the sale of cigarettes and tobacco in its duty-free stores. The reason given was that the Holy See “cannot be cooperating with a practice that is clearly...

Vatican Corner 11-19-17

VATICAN CORNER On All Souls Day, October 2, 2017, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the World War II Neptuno American War Cemetery 38 miles south of Rome. It is the site where 7,860 American soldiers are buried, the majority of which died in the liberation of Sicily...

Vatican Corner 11-12-17

VATICAN CORNER On October 26, 2017, in an office in the Vatican, Pope Francis held a 20 minute video interview with the six astronauts currently orbiting the Earth 250 miles high in the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is the most complex international...