Vatican Corner 09-24-17

VATICAN CORNER The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), in 1965, established the principle of greater participation by the laity in the celebration of the Mass. It authorized significant changes in the texts, forms, and language used in the Mass and in the sacraments....

Vatican Corner 09-17-17

VATICAN CORNER On Sept. 7th thru 11th, 2017 Pope Francis visited Colombia. The last visit by a pope to that country was in 1986. His journey had the moto: “Let’s take the first step.” The moto meaning that a#er 52 years of terrible internal fighting, with an estimated...

Vatican Corner 09-10-17

VATICAN CORNER Former Pope Benedict, who shocked the world when he resigned in 2013, turned 90 years old this last April 16, 2017. In a recent interview it was reported that he is remarkable well for his age, with only minor ailments from! Me to! Me. He is in good...

Vatican Corner 09-03-17

VATICAN CORNER Workmen digging in the Va can’s Belvedere Courtyard, in February 1962 discovered pieces of a large jaw bone and a large tooth. They thought they had found a dinosaur, but the bones were not fossilized and when examined were found to be from an elephant....

Vatican Corner 08-27-17

VATICAN CORNER On August 11, 2017, Pope Francis ordered the Belgian Brothers of Charity, a Catholic Charity Group, to stop offering euthanasia in its psychiatric hospitals. Euthanasia is the intentional painless killing of a patient who is suffering from an incurable...

Vatican Corner 08-20-17

VATICAN CORNER The first LED (Light Emitting Diode) that produced visible light was invented by a General Electric Co. engineer in 1962. LEDs are basically tiny light bulbs without a filament to burn out, and they shine without making much heat. The illumination comes...