Vatican Corner 05-21-17

VATICAN CORNER continued …The Swiss have historically been famous for mercenary soldiers. Switzerland was a poor country and its young men often sought their fortunes in other countries. The Swiss soldier had a reputation for discipline and loyalty, and they were...

Vatican Corner 05-14-17

VATICAN CORNER At the Vatican on May 6, 2017, Pope Francis and the president of Switzerland, Doris Leuthard, held a cordial discussion on such subjects as: the reception of migrants, youth employment, terrorism, environmental protection and the fate of Europe. Their...

Vatican Corner 05-07-17

  VATICAN CORNER On April 28th & 29th, 2017, the 80 year-old Pope Francis made a brief visit to Egypt. The main theme of the visit was to promote tolerance, peace and dialogue between Christians and Muslims in the Arab world’s largest country. It was nearly...

Vatican Corner 04-30-17

VATICAN CORNER How many Vatican worker does it take to change a light bulb? Well, in St. Peter’s Cathedral it takes 4, because the chandeliers have to be lowered a distance of 33 floors. Behind the scenes at the Vatican there is a small army of workers performing the...

Vatican Corner 04-23-17

VATICAN CORNER In Chapter 27 of the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake is described that shook Jerusalem on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. Matthew 27:50-54 reads: “Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last. At that moment the curtain of the temple...

Vatican Corner 04-16-17

VATICAN CORNER Bell ringing during Mass helps to focus the attention of the faithful on the miracle that is taking place on the altar of sacrifice. It highlights the consecration and presentation of the Eucharist and it creates a joyful noise to the Lord. But ringing...