Vatican Corner 11-27-16

VATICAN CORNER Before the U.S. presidential election, a fake news website – WTOE 5 NEWS falsely reported that Pope Francis had endorsed Republican candidate Donald Trump. That website is a fantasy news site where most of its articles are satire or pure...

Vatican Corner 11-20-16

VATICAN CORNER Staircases bind spaces together. They come in many forms: single run, switchback, L-shaped, curved, triangular, spiral and double spiral. The double spiral or double-helix consisting of two intertwined spirals is one of the most remarkable types, and...

Vatican Corner 11-13-16

VATICAN CORNER It is not often that a pope travels to Sweden, a country with just 113,000 Catholics, fewer than could fill St. Peter’s Square. The last pope to visit Sweden was Pope John Paul II during his 1989 tour of the Scandinavian countries.  Sweden is in the...

Vatican Corner 11-6-16

VATICAN CORNER Continued …Bramante, the original architect of the New Saint Peter’s Basilica, designed 4 piers to support the enormous weight of the domed roof. At the construction site, an artist from Florence named Michelangelo, observed that construction workers...

Vatican corner 10-30-16

VATICAN CORNER Saint Peter’s Basilica is the largest church in the world at 163,180 sq. ft., and with a maximum capacity of 60,000 people. During the years 319 to 349 AD, the first Christian Emperor of Rome – Constantine built the first Saint Peter’s Basilica over the...

Vatican Corner 10-23-16

VATICAN CORNER The Vatican and the surrounding City of Rome are not considered to be at high seismic risk. The ground beneath them is free of faults, and volcanic activity is thankfully distant, but the historical record tells a different story, with Rome struck again...