Vatican Corner 2-7-16

VATICAN CORNER Con”nued …The new book: THE NAME OF GOD IS MERCY, comes from a four hour interview last summer when Pope Francis answered ques”ons from Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli. The ques”ons were on issues linked by the common thread of...

Vatican Corner 1-31-16

VATICAN CORNER con nued… The logo and the mo$o for the Jubilee Year provide fi(ng summaries of what the Jubilee Year is all about. The mo$o: “Merciful Like The Father” from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36 serves as an invita on to follow the merciful example of the Father...

Vatican Corner 1-24-16

VATICAN CORNER contuined … In another first, Pope Francis has directly appointed some 800 special missionaries from around the world and given them the power to forgive certain very grave sins normally reserved only for the Va”can to forgive. It was the...