Vatican Corner 12-27-15

VATICAN CORNER Con!nued … Mercy is a theme very dear to Pope Francis. He has recounted his very first experience of God’s mercy in his own life, when he walked into a confessional as a 17 year old in Buenos Aires and walked out knowing that he was called to...

Vatican Corner 12-20-15

VATICAN CORNER A Va!can official says a statement made by Pope Francis about Christmas fes!vi!es happening while the world is at war has been “grossly mistranslated” by media. In his homily what he actually said was, “We are close to Christmas: there...

Vatican Corner 12-13-15

VATICAN CORNER On March 13, 2015, Pope Francis announced that an “extraordinary Holy Year” a “Jubilee of Mercy” will commence with the opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica on the celebration day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on...

Vatican Corner 12-6-15

VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis made his first trip to the African continent, visiting Kenya, Uganda, and the Central African Republic from Nov. 25th thru 30th, 2015. It was another of his apostolic visits to reach out to the developing world and confirm the faith of the...

Vatican Corner 11-29-15

VATICAN CORNER On November 2, 2015, a$er several months of inves!ga!on, Va!can City police arrested two people on suspicion of removing and sharing confiden!al Va!can documents. Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, and Dr. Francesca Chaouqui were arrested for...

Vatican Corner 11-22-15

VATICAN CORNER For centuries, many cultures have celebrated their agricultural harvests. The Romans had a harvest fes!val called Cerelia, which honored Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, grain and fer!lity. Our word cereal comes from her name. The fes!val was held...