Vatican Corner 11-15-15

VATICAN CORNER CONTINUED … So now that the Synod on the Family is over for 2015, what will Pope Francis do? It was the second mee#ng in a year that he had called to address how and whether Catholicism could adapt its teachings to the changing reali#es of modern family...

Vatican Corner 11-8-15

VATICAN CORNER At the Va”can on October 24, 2015, at the end of the three week gathering of the 270 Cardinals and Bishops from around the world, the Synod on the Family came to a close. Pope Francis closed the mee”ng that had been full of arguments,...

Vatican Corner 11-1-15

VATICAN CORNER There were some side stories which came out of the Pope’s visit to the U.S. When riding in the Popemobile surrounded by cheering crowds on the Ben Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia, Pope Francis chuckled when he saw 4-month old Quinn Madden dressed like...

Vatican Corner 10-25-15

VATICAN CORNER Continued… On Sunday, September 27, 2015, Pope Francis began his second day in Philadelphia and his last day in the U.S. He began by meeting privately with a small group of victims of clergy sex abuse, listening, and expressing solidarity in sharing in...

Vatican Corner 10-18-15

VATICAN CORNER continued ….Philadelphia was the third and last U.S. city that Pope Francis visited, arriving Saturday morning Sept. 26, 2015. He celebrated Mass before more than 2,000 priests, women religious and deacons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and...

Vatican Corner 10-11-15

VATICAN CORNER con!nued …On Friday September 25, 2015, on his fourth day in the U.S. and his only full day in New York City, Pope Francis spoke at the United Na!ons General Assembly. He began by blessing the U.N. staff and laying a wreath for U.N. workers who have...