Vatican Corner 10-4-15

VATICAN CORNER On Wed. afternoon Sept. 22, 2015, Pope Francis flew from Cuba to Washington D.C., beginning his 3 city visit of the U.S. He rode in a small Fiat 500L from the air base into town and to the White House the next morning where he was welcomed by President...

Vatican Corner 9-27-15

  VATICAN CORNER On Sunday Sept. 20, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated an outdoor Mass in Havana Cuba’s Revolution Square. Those attending were President Raúl Castro, the other leaders of the Cuban communist government, and tens of thousands of Cubans. Also there was...

Vatican Corner 9-20-15

VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba and the United States will be very soon, September 19th through 28th, 2015. According to Mike McCaul, who is the chairman of the House Commi#ee on Homeland Security, the United States has uncovered threats against Pope...