Vatican Corner 5-17-15

Continued … A 135,000 square foot media hub is being prepared in Philadelphia with all its cable feeds, workstations, translators and coffee for the expected 5,000 to 7,000 journalist who will cover the Pope’s visit and the World Meeting of Families event. In the past...

Vatican Corner 5-10-15

Continued… Archbishop Chaput says that when Pope Francis comes to Philadelphia for two days at the end of September, his pastoral mission will have a dual purpose. The Pope’s participation in the closing of the World Meeting of Families conference is one key element...

Vatican Corner 5-3-15

Continued… Archbishop Charles Chaputsay that he will probably be riding with the Pope in the “Pope mobile, “but one thing is certain, even though he has a Pennsylvania driver’s license, he’s not expecting to be asked to drive the Pope through town. As far as where the...

Vatican Corner 4-26-15

vatican corner Continued…  Archbishop Chaput of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia says that so far church organizers have raised $33 million of their $45     million goal for the World Meeting of Families event, of which Pope Francis will be attending the closing...
Vatican Corner 4-19-15

Vatican Corner 4-19-15

The name that William Penn gave his colony’s capital city is a combination of Greek words for love: phileo and   brother: adelphos, setting up the       enduring nickname for Philadelphia, PA, the City of Brotherly Love. It is the place where the founding fathers of...
Vatican Corner 3-29-15

Vatican Corner 3-29-15

Year after year, parishes around the world take up the traditional annual Good Friday Collection for the Church in the Holy Land. The proceeds from the Collection go to the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. The Franciscans have been caring for the holy sites there...