Holy Thursday
Enrich your Holy Week by attending Adoration on Holy Thursday Adoration will be after the 7 PM Holy Thursday service until Midnight  We have assigned groups every half hour so the Blessed Sacrament will never be left alone, please see the Lenten Flier that has a...
Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper Friday March 23rd
Join your fellow Parishioners for our last week of Stations of the Cross before Holy Week We start at 7:00 PM with the STATIONS OF THE CROSS followed by as simple Soup Supper in the hall afterwards. The following groups will be in charge of the Soup Supper, They will...
Palm Sunday
Next Weekend is Palm Sunday March 24-25, 2018 Please Remember Mass starts OUTSIDE in the Placita, where you also will receive palms after they are blessed.
Communal Reconciliation Wednesdy March 14th
Communal Reconciliation Wednesday March 14th 7:00 PM in the Church Several visiting Priests here to assist with reconciliation
500 years of Filipino Catholic Evangelization – 03-16-2018
Celebrating 500 years of Filipino Catholic Evangelization Kick—Off Celebration with Holy Mass at the Cathedral ofChrist the Light March 16, 2018 7:00 PM Mass with Bishop Michael Barber , SJ Fiesta Celebration follows after Mass. All are invited to join the Journey in...
Our next altar server meeting will be Saturday, March 10th. We will begin by attending mass at 8:30am with meeting to follow. Please bring something small to share with our ministry. Agenda for this meeting: Simple Reminders Palm Sunday Triduum Celebrations : (Holy...
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Group Outing 03-16-18
The next group outing will be Friday, March 16th @ 11:45pm We will meet at Harry's Hofbrau, 14900 E. 14th Street, San Leandro Please RSVP to Selena by March 15th @ (510) 517-3039 All seniors are welcome to attend
Lenten Retreat Saturday March 10th
Save the Date!! Our Lenten Retreat will be lead again this year by Retreat Master— Fr. Jim Sullivan Saturday March 10th 10 AM—2 PM In the Hall. More informa"on will be in next weeks bulle"n or in the Faith Forma"on or Rectory office.
Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper every Friday
Ash Wednesday Services 02-14-18
Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 AM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 8:30 AM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 12:00 PM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 3:00 PM ~ English Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution 5:00 PM ~ Spanish Liturgy of the Word with Ash...
Burning of the Palms 02-13-18
Burning of the Palms We will burn last years Palms on Tuesday February 13th at 7 PM in the Placita. All are invited to participate in the “burning of the Palms” Last chance to bring your Palms this year —- 7 PM February 13th
Next Senior Outing 02/16/18
ATTENTION SENIORS!!! Our next senior outing will be Friday, February 16th at 11:45am. We will meet at Applebee's on Southland Drive, Hayward Please RSVP to Selena at (510) 517-3039. All seniors are welcome!!