100th Anniversary of the 6th Fatima Apparition 10-13-2017
Join us in Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 6th Fatima Apparition Our Church will be open all day for individual prayer. We then will come together in praying a Friday. October 13, 2017 Multi– Lingual rosary at 7:00 PM in the Church
Altar Servers 10-14-17
St. Joachim Church Fall Festival
Join us in the gym for food, games,music, raffle and fun for all ages! Sunday, October 1, 2017 10 AM- 4:00 PM For information contact Selena Castellanos (510) 517-3039
Next Senior Outing 09-15-17
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Our next senior outing will be a: Potluck Bingo Luncheon on Friday, September 15, 2017 at 11:45PM in the St. Joachim Hall Please bring your favorite dish to share and don't forget your loose change for Bingo Please RSVP to Selena at (510)...
V Encuentro de San Joaquin
Fall Bazaar 09-10-17
Would you like to help out at Mass? Saturday September 9, 2017
Are you interested in becoming a Communion Minister? We will be training ALL those interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion on: Saturday September 9, 2017—12 NOON in the CHURCH Please complete online Safe Environment training at virtusonline...
Herencia Hispana 09-23-17
Parroquia de San Joaquin Cena-Baile-Musica en vivo Celebre la herencia Hispana Gimnasio 21250 Hesperian blvd Hayward, CA 94541 Adultos $35.00, Niños 6-11 años $10.00 Fecha Sabado 23 de septiembre 2017 Hora 5:30 - 11:00 pm Cena: 6:30 - 7:30
Bazaar & Pancake Breakfast ~~ September 10th
Start your day with a pancake breakfast, get some early Christmas shopping done or splurge on yourself! We are lining up a GREAT GROUP of vendors for your shopping fun like Park Lane jewelry, Tupperware, hand crafted crocheted items, door wreaths, coffee vendor,...
Dinner and Dance – Herencia Hispana 2017
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15th
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday August 15th, 2017 Holy Day of Obligation 7:00 AM English Mass 8:30 AM English Mass 7:00PM Bilingual Mass
Safe Environment Training
EVERYONE who does ANY Volunteer work or attends regular meetings here at St. Joachim MUST complete Safe Environment training before SEPTEMBER 1st in order to continue meeting or serving here. You can do this in two ways: 1) Complete the training on your computer on...