St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 09-26-2021

Pope Francis made his 34th foreign trip on September 12 -15, 2021, traveling to the center of Europe and spending (as planned) just seven hours in Hungary and four days in Slovakia. Sixty percent of Hungary’s 10 million people are Catholic while Seventy-three percent...

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Vatican Corner 09-19-2021

If on September 11, 2001 the four coordinated terrorist attacks by the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda against the United States never happened, would Francis have become the Pope? There is a connection between those terrible events that changed world history and...

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Pastor’s Desk 09-19-2021

Have you known that person? The one who leaves every person they encounter feeling a little more blessed for having met them? They’re the friend you can count on when nothing is going well. They’re the one who’s always “doing” for others. They’re never gossiping or...

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Vatican Corner 09-12-2021

Another poor reason people give for not taking the vaccines is concern about side effects. The vaccines can sometimes cause aches, fever and fatigue but only for a short time. In fact such side effects are a sign that the vaccine is getting the immune system ready for...

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Pastor’s Desk 09-12-2021

Can You Walk the Walk? I’ve met and talked with enough people to feel confident that if you polled 100 fallen-away Catholics about why they didn’t want anything to do with the Church, the term “accountability” would pop up in almost all of their answers. And to be...

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Vatican Corner 09-05-2021

Some good reasons you might not get inoculated against the pandemic might be if you have an underlying health condition or an allergic history. But there are other reasons and some are very poor and need to be combated in order to bring the pandemic to an end. Needle...

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Vatican Corner 08-29-2021

As of this writing on 8/23/2021, there have been reported 213,338,543 cases of the Covid-19 virus worldwide, 4,454,049 deaths and 190,903,844 recovered. On August 18, 2021, in an attempt to make the people around the world feel more confident in the Covid-19 vaccines,...

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Pastor’s Desk 08-29-2021

Pop culture has given us an unique idea of the term justice. Justice, we often think, is about taking. Taking what’s owed. Taking revenge. Taking what we deserve. This worldview tends to make mincemeat of our Catholic social teachings. Seeking the good of the poor, a...

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Vatican Corner 08-22-2021

On August 11, 2021, the actor and Catholic: Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the TV - Internet series and global phenomenon “The Chosen” met Pope Francis at his weekly Wednesday audience at the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. Roumie said that it was a lifelong dream of his...

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Pastor’s Desk 08-22-2021

We aren’t comfortable with the idea of submission. Our society champions equality, and rightly so — but it’s a mistake to think that submission is at odds with equality. To submit ourselves fully, we must first be free. We must first be our own masters. God has...

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Vatican Corner 08-15-2021

The traditional Latin Mass has a liturgy entirely in Latin, but there are other major differences between the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass which uses the common  language of the country, and is the familiar Mass that has been used for the past 50 +...

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Pastor’s Desk 08-15-2021

Today, Catholics and many other Christians celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This significant feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth, when both her soul and her body were...

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Vatican Corner 08-08-2021

Latin was the language spoken around the area of Rome called Latium in the 1st century BC. With the power of Rome, Latin became the dominant language in Italy and in the entire Western Roman Empire. After Pentecost, the apostles spread Christianity throughout the...

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Pastor’s Desk 08-08-2021

This and ThatWe AskedLoving Creator,We asked for strength, and yougave us difficulties to make usstrong.We asked for wisdom, and you gave us problems tosolve.We asked for prosperity, and you gave us purposeand brains to use.We asked for courage, and you gave us fears...

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