St. Joachim News


Pastor’s Desk 06-06-2021

The Lord's ensures that we can remember Jesus from any place. Apollo 11 landed on the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969. Most remember astronaut Neil Armstrong's first words as he stepped onto the moon's surface: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for...

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Vatican Corner 05-30-2021

On April 13, 2021, it was Memorial Day in Jerusalem, and the Israel president gave a night speech at the Western Wall, a sacred Jewish site. He honored those who died fighting for the country. It was also the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and nearby,...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-30-2021

The Mystery of man created by a mysterious Triune God: How complex and mind-boggling is our physical construction! Chemically, the body is unequalled for complexity. Each one of its 30 trillion cells is a mini chemical factory that performs about 10,000 chemical...

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Vatican Corner 05-23-2021

In some southern areas of Italy, the Catholic Church and the Mafia have had a long and complicated history. Over the years, some Catholic priests have courageously opposed the crime families, and paid with their lives. However other priests have attended weddings,...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-23-2021

The Jewish Pentecost: Both the Jews and the Christians now celebrate Pentecost. Along with the Feast of the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, Pentecost was one of the major feasts of the Jews. During these three great Jewish festivals, every male Jew living...

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Vatican Corner 05-16-2021

Rosario Livatino was a Catholic judge who was brutally killed by the mafia in 1990. He worked as a prosecutor in the 1980s at the Court of Agrigento, Sicily, dealing with the corrupt system of mafia bribes and kickbacks used on public works contracts. He became a...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-16-2021

Lech Walesa worked for years as an electrician in the Gdansk shipyards. During those years he and his fellow workers founded the movement which came to be known as “Solidarity.” Walesa became its leader. This brought them into open conflict with the Communist leaders....

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Vatican Corner 05-09-2021

Research conducted by the Vatican’s Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital of Rome has made an important breakthrough in cancer research and has now discovered the one missing piece of information about the process through which cells, including cancer cells, mature and...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-09-2021

On April 27, 2021, I received an email from our Provincial stating that I am transferred from St. Joachim Parish to St. Matthew’s Parish at Corona in St. Bernardino Diocese, CA. I am asked to take charge of the new place of my appointment on July 1st 2021. It is with...

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Vatican Corner 05-02-2021

In 1869, the Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital of Rome was founded from the initiative of the Salviati family with the help of friends and benefactors. Duchess Arabella Salviati was deeply moved when seeing young patients hospitalized alongside adults without any...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-02-2021

Some years ago, in the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, the members of one of the large Presbyterian churches decided to undertake a religious census among some 2000 homes in their district. When the results were in, the pastor of the Church found himself seated...

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Vatican Corner 04-25-2021

The Catholic Church like most organized religions has for centuries reached out to the deaf and hard of hearing. Today Catholics have a significant worldwide ministry for the deaf community; however, historically the Church’s position on deafness was not so kindly....

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Pastor’s Desk 04-25-2021

In the beginning of World War II, the Nazis commissioned a massive battleship named the Bismarck. It was the biggest fighting vessel the world had seen up to that time. With the Bismarck the Germans had the opportunity to dominate the seas. Very soon after it was...

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Vatican Corner 04-18-2021

St. Peter’s Basilica has 11 chapels and 45 altars, of which many have been used every morning by priests to celebrate their daily Mass. The Code of Canon Law state that “priests are earnestly invited to offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist daily…” Priests generally...

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Pastor’s Desk 04-18-2021

There is a true story in Ripley’s Believe It or Not about a judge in Yugoslavia who had an unfortunate accident. He was “electrocuted” when he reached up to turn on the light while  standing in the bathtub. His wife found his body sprawled on the bathroom floor. She...

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Vatican Corner 04-11-2021

For the second year in a row, the ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter, which Pope Francis presides over, were changed to streaming services online because of the covid-19 restrictions. The ceremonies were not open to the general public because of the need for social...

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