Saint Joachim News


Vatican Corner 07-30-18

(... continued) At the morning Mass on Sept. 3, 2018, Pope Francis ’ used his homily to say that the answer to division and scandal should be silence and prayer, and ask the Lord for the grace to discern when it is better to remain quiet “ with people who do not have...

Pastors Desk 09-30-18

It was one of the most gripping news stories of 2003. In the beautiful but desolate mountains of southeastern Utah, a twenty - seven - year - old mountain climber named Aron Ralston, made a desperate decision. An avid outdoors man, Aron was rock - climbing one day...

Vatican Corner 09-25-18

(... continued) It is said that one of the most alarming aspects of Archbishop Viganó ’ s 11 page attack letter is the picture it paints of the misgoverning and even sabotage that has taken place by successive Vatican secretaries of state. They are described as doing...

Pastor’s Desk 09-25-18

At the screening of the film Mot her Teresa during the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations in 1983, the Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar rose from his seat to introduce St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) to an elite gathering of the representatives...

Vatican Corner 09-16-18

... continued The motivation for retired Archbishop Viganó’s dramatic lefter of attack on Pope Francis may also have to do with the set of people the Pope has promoted in the Church. They included Bishop McElroy of San Diego, Cardinal Cupich of Chicago, Cardinal Wuerl...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series Part 4

Things to Remember (References marked “ CC ” are from the Catechism of the Catholic Church) CC 1213 Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we...

Vatican Corner 09-09-18

On Sunday August 26, 2018 an eleven page letter written by retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, now 77 - a lifetime Vatican “ insider ”, was published which made serious accusations against Pope Francis but offered no evidence. In the letter he accused Francis of...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series: Part 3

Why not let the child decide? This has become a common solution in the world today; “ I ’ ll just let my child decide what they want! ” Which means that nothing will happen until the child at least reaches the Age of Reason, when they can legally make rational...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series: Part 2

Why Godparents? So often this question is answered “ because the church said I had to have two ”, or “ my relative said I needed them ”; even more shocking answer, “ to care for the child if something happens to the parents ”. As a convert to Catholicism, I shuddered...

Vatican Corner 09-02-18

On Tuesday August 14, 2018 a shocking 1,300 page report from a Pennsylvania grand jury was released that described alleged child and young - adult sexual abuse of more than 1,000 victims by 301 Catholic priests, brothers, deacons and seminarians, over a 70 year...

Vatican Corner 08-26-18

An antipope, by definition is a person who is opposed to the legitimately elected Pope and makes a significant competing claim to be the Pope. At various times between the 3rd and mid 15th centuries, antipopes were supported by a substantial number of cardinals and...

Deacon Dave’s Baptism Series

The Sacrament of Baptism Why Baptism? As he ascended into heaven, Jesus commanded the eleven disciples to “ Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,... ” (Mt 28:19) This is...