St. Joachim News
Pastors Desk 03-11-18
On the southern border of the Persian empire of Cyrus, there lived a great chieftain named Cagular who tore to shreds and completely defeated the various detachments of Cyrus’ army sent to subdue him. Finally the emperor, amassing his whole army, marched down,...
Our next altar server meeting will be Saturday, March 10th. We will begin by attending mass at 8:30am with meeting to follow. Please bring something small to share with our ministry. Agenda for this meeting: Simple Reminders Palm Sunday Triduum Celebrations : (Holy...
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Group Outing 03-16-18
The next group outing will be Friday, March 16th @ 11:45pm We will meet at Harry's Hofbrau, 14900 E. 14th Street, San Leandro Please RSVP to Selena by March 15th @ (510) 517-3039 All seniors are welcome to attend
Vatican Corner 03-04-18
VATICAN CORNER The Vatican and Rome were covered with a blanket of snow of over 2 inches on the morning of February 26, 2018, a rare event since they typically experience mild Mediterranean winters. It was the biggest snowfall in six years and is due to a storm dubbed...
Pastors Desk 03-04-18
In today’s Gospel reading we hear about Jesus cleansing the Jerusalem temple by driving out all the money changers, merchants, animals and the birds. What events happening in the temple infuriated Jesus to take this extreme step? A) The merchants selling animals and...
Lenten Retreat Saturday March 10th
Save the Date!! Our Lenten Retreat will be lead again this year by Retreat Master— Fr. Jim Sullivan Saturday March 10th 10 AM—2 PM In the Hall. More informa"on will be in next weeks bulle"n or in the Faith Forma"on or Rectory office.
Vatican Corner 02-25-18
VATICAN CORNER On February 12, 2018, Pope Francis signed a document know as a Motu Proprio, which is Latin for “by his own initiative.” It is a new Vatican law entitled “Learn How to Resign” in which Francis has ordered Vatican officials and bishops around the world,...
Pastors Desk 02-25-18
There is a mysterious story in 2 Kings that can help us understand what is happening in the transfiguration. Israel is at war with Aram, and Elisha, the man of God, is using his prophetic powers to reveal the strategic plans of the Aramean army to the Israelites. At...
Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper every Friday
Vatican Corner 02-18-18
VATICAN CORNER Ash Wednesday may be the busiest church day of the year, possibly beating out Easter and Christmas for attendance, and yet it is not a holy day of obligation. It is the first day of Lent and it always falls forty-six days before Easter. It is a...
Vatican Corner 02-18-18
VATICAN CORNER Ash Wednesday may be the busiest church day of the year, possibly beating out Easter and Christmas for attendance, and yet it is not a holy day of obligation. It is the first day of Lent and it always falls forty-six days before Easter. It is a...
Pastors Desk 02-18-18
An Arab fable tells of a miller who was startled by seeing a camel’s nose thrust in at the door of the tent where he was sleeping. “It’s very cold outside,” said the camel, “I only want to get my nose in.” The nose was allowed in, then the neck, finally the whole...
Bulletin 02-18-18
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Ash Wednesday Services 02-14-18
Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 AM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 8:30 AM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 12:00 PM ~ English Mass with Ash Distribution 3:00 PM ~ English Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution 5:00 PM ~ Spanish Liturgy of the Word with Ash...
Burning of the Palms 02-13-18
Burning of the Palms We will burn last years Palms on Tuesday February 13th at 7 PM in the Placita. All are invited to participate in the “burning of the Palms” Last chance to bring your Palms this year —- 7 PM February 13th
Next Senior Outing 02/16/18
ATTENTION SENIORS!!! Our next senior outing will be Friday, February 16th at 11:45am. We will meet at Applebee's on Southland Drive, Hayward Please RSVP to Selena at (510) 517-3039. All seniors are welcome!!
Vatican Corner 02-11-18
VATICAN CORNER In 1951 the mainland Chinese government ended diplomatic relations with the Vatican shortly after the atheist Communist Party took power. The government had been threatening to breakaway the “independent Catholics.” The government apparently...
Pastors Desk 02-11-18
St.Joachim parish is one of the most active parishes in the diocese of Oakland. In addition to various liturgical celebrations that are held in our parish, there are more than 25 groups gathering together every week for prayer, devotional, educational, social and...
Bulletin 02-11-18
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It’s that time of year Girl Scout Cookies are HERE!!
Troop 31080 will be in the placita two weekends: February 3rd 4-6pm & February 4th 8am-2pm and then the following weekend February 10th 4-6pm & February 11th 8am-2pm We will have all your delicious flavors to choose from!! Come help support your local Girl...
Vatican Corner 02-04-18
VATICAN CORNER Following the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) the entire St. Peter’s Basilica began to be used for celebrations. Before that time, papal celebrations were held in the Sistine Chapel, which had no organ, or were held in the...
Bulletin 02-04-18
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Vatican Corner 01-28-18
VATICAN CORNER The widely reported “spontaneous” wedding performed by Pope Francis flying over Chile may not have been as spontaneous as it appeared, and may have been planned well in advance. The December 19, 2017 edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio had an...
Pastors Desk 01-28-18
Jesus' world was a demon-haunted world. Men and women in the ancient world believed in demons. Demons for them were intensely real. The first century world was one of pain and suffering. There was no relief from pain. It was a world of natural disasters that took a...