St. Joachim News


Pastors Desk 10-29-17

There is a legend handed down from the early Church about John, the beloved disciple of Jesus. Of the twelve original apostles, only John lived to a ripe old age. In his later years, not only his body but also his eyesight and his mind began to fail him. Eventually,...

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Vatican Corner 10-22-17

VATICAN CORNER Things not to do when visiting The Vatican / Rome (continued) 6. When visiting, don’t take your eye off your bag, do not carry large sums of money, and be sure to hide your money and credit cards from pickpockets, who are frequently women and children....

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Pastors Desk 10-22-17

Last year St. Joachim parish Fall Festival was organized for two days in front of the Parish Hall. The Knights of Columbus were in charge of the festival and put in a lot of hard work to make it a success. Their hard work brought in $14,071 to the parish fund....

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Next Senior Outing 10-20-17

The next senior outing will be Friday, October 20th @ 11:45 AM Olive Garden Restaurant, 1 Southland Mall, Hayward. Please RSVP to Selena (510) 517-3039 by October 18th. All seniors are welcome.

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Vatican Corner 10-15-17

VATICAN CORNER  Don’t come in June and July, the high peak crowd months. Your precious !me could be wasted in the sluggish pace of the crowds and in July the temperature can be extremely hot  and humid making traveling and sightseeing uncomfortable. Rome like many big...

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Pastors Desk 10-15-17

At the end of World War II, the Russian head-of-state gave an elaborate banquet to honor the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The Russians arrived in their best formal wear -- military dress uniforms -- but their honored guest did not. Churchill arrived...

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Vatican Corner 10-08-17

VATICAN CORNER During the Mass, bread and wine is blessed and changed into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ (transubstantinated ). It is a ritual that first began at the Last Supper, when our Savior Jesus Christ instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his...

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Pastors Desk 10-08-17

There was a legend, well-known in New Testament times, that in the building of God’s Temple by Solomon most of the stones were of the same size and shape. One stone arrived, however, that was different from the others. The builders took one look at it and said, "This...

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Vatican Corner 10-01-17

VATICAN CORNER The last Pope to have a beard was Pope Innocent XII who died in 1700. Since then, all subsequent Popes have been clean-shaven. Roman Canon tradition encourages clean-shaven clergy for the reason that facial hair could possibly disrespect the blood of...

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Pastors Desk 10-01-17

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife, enjoying his extended family. He would miss the pay check, but he needed to retire. They could get...

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Vatican Corner 09-24-17

VATICAN CORNER The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), in 1965, established the principle of greater participation by the laity in the celebration of the Mass. It authorized significant changes in the texts, forms, and language used in the Mass and in the sacraments....

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Pastors Desk 09-24-17

There is a story about Simon Peter and Dismas, the repentant thief on the cross. Simon Peter, the big disciple, and Dismas, the thief on the cross, both died and went up to Heaven. They both knocked on the door, and they both got into Heaven. But, up in Heaven, Simon...

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Vatican Corner 09-17-17

VATICAN CORNER On Sept. 7th thru 11th, 2017 Pope Francis visited Colombia. The last visit by a pope to that country was in 1986. His journey had the moto: “Let’s take the first step.” The moto meaning that a#er 52 years of terrible internal fighting, with an estimated...

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Pastors Desk 09-17-17

Once upon a time two brothers, who lived on adjoining farms, fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a conflict. Then the long collaboration fell apart. It...

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