St. Joachim News


Next Senior Outing 09-15-17

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Our next senior outing will be a: Potluck Bingo Luncheon on Friday, September 15, 2017 at 11:45PM in the St. Joachim Hall Please bring your favorite dish to share and don't forget your loose change for Bingo Please RSVP to Selena at (510)...

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Vatican Corner 09-10-17

VATICAN CORNER Former Pope Benedict, who shocked the world when he resigned in 2013, turned 90 years old this last April 16, 2017. In a recent interview it was reported that he is remarkable well for his age, with only minor ailments from! Me to! Me. He is in good...

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Pastors Desk 09-10-17

A drunk decides to go ice fishing; so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice. He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole. All of sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. "You will find no fish under...

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Vatican Corner 09-03-17

VATICAN CORNER Workmen digging in the Va can’s Belvedere Courtyard, in February 1962 discovered pieces of a large jaw bone and a large tooth. They thought they had found a dinosaur, but the bones were not fossilized and when examined were found to be from an elephant....

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Pastors Desk 09-03-17

There is an ancient legend about Peter, which became the basis for a famous book and motion picture. At the time of the great persecution under Nero, the Christians of Rome told Peter to leave. "You're too valuable," they said. "Get out of town! Find your safety! Go...

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Herencia Hispana 09-23-17

Parroquia de San Joaquin Cena-Baile-Musica en vivo Celebre la herencia Hispana Gimnasio 21250 Hesperian blvd Hayward, CA 94541 Adultos $35.00, Niños 6-11 años $10.00 Fecha Sabado 23 de septiembre 2017 Hora 5:30 - 11:00 pm Cena: 6:30 - 7:30

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Vatican Corner 08-27-17

VATICAN CORNER On August 11, 2017, Pope Francis ordered the Belgian Brothers of Charity, a Catholic Charity Group, to stop offering euthanasia in its psychiatric hospitals. Euthanasia is the intentional painless killing of a patient who is suffering from an incurable...

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Pastors Desk 08-27-17

Every day Tim would go to the nursing home and visit her. Each time she would ask Tim who he was and why he was visiting her. And each time Tim would explain who he was and why he was visiting. He would tell the story of all his children and grandchildren, all the...

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Bazaar & Pancake Breakfast ~~ September 10th

Start your day with a pancake breakfast, get some early Christmas shopping done or splurge on yourself! We are lining up a GREAT GROUP of vendors for your shopping fun like Park Lane jewelry, Tupperware, hand crafted crocheted items, door wreaths, coffee vendor,...

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Vatican Corner 08-20-17

VATICAN CORNER The first LED (Light Emitting Diode) that produced visible light was invented by a General Electric Co. engineer in 1962. LEDs are basically tiny light bulbs without a filament to burn out, and they shine without making much heat. The illumination comes...

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Pastors Desk 08-20-17

There is a story about a man named Jeremy Cohen, a Texan who, with his family, became host to a rabbi from Moscow one Christmas. To treat the rabbi to a culinary experience unavailable to him in his own country, Cohen took him to his favorite Chinese restaurant. After...

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Safe Environment Training

EVERYONE who does ANY Volunteer work or attends regular meetings here at St. Joachim MUST complete Safe Environment training before SEPTEMBER 1st in order to continue meeting or serving here. You can do this in two ways: 1) Complete the training on your computer on...

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Vatican Corner 08-13-17

VATICAN CORNER   The number 2 man at the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State, is preparing for a trip to Russia in late August, 2017. Parolin explained that “I go to Russia as a collaborator to the Pope …who wishes to build bridges in order to...

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Pastors Desk 08-13-17

A woman is walking down the street when she hears a voice shout, "Stop!" And she stops, and a piece of metal falls from space just in front of her--perhaps debris from a satellite. If she had gone one step farther, she would have been killed. She looks around to find...

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