St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 05-14-17

VATICAN CORNER At the Vatican on May 6, 2017, Pope Francis and the president of Switzerland, Doris Leuthard, held a cordial discussion on such subjects as: the reception of migrants, youth employment, terrorism, environmental protection and the fate of Europe. Their...

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Pastors Desk 05-14-17

Axelrod shares this story about a magnificent mom: Four preachers were discussing their favorite translations of the Bible. The first one said, "I like the King James Version because of its beautiful English." Another said, "I like the New American Standard version...

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Senior Gathering 05-19-17

Hello All Seniors!! Our next senior gathering will be Friday, May 19th in the St. Joachim Hall at Noon (12PM). Come enjoy some pizza, salad and horse racing!! Please R.S.V.P. to Selena (510) 517-3039 by May 16th. Hope to see you all there.

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Vatican Corner 05-07-17

  VATICAN CORNER On April 28th & 29th, 2017, the 80 year-old Pope Francis made a brief visit to Egypt. The main theme of the visit was to promote tolerance, peace and dialogue between Christians and Muslims in the Arab world’s largest country. It was nearly...

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Pastors Desk 05-07-17

I was born in Kadiapatanam, a large sea shore village located in the southern most part of India. The entire village was converted to Catholicism by St. Francis Xavier in 1544. The people of the village are highly devoted to Christianity. Like most children in the...

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Vatican Corner 04-30-17

VATICAN CORNER How many Vatican worker does it take to change a light bulb? Well, in St. Peter’s Cathedral it takes 4, because the chandeliers have to be lowered a distance of 33 floors. Behind the scenes at the Vatican there is a small army of workers performing the...

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Pastors Desk 04-30-17

Several years ago a group of computer salesmen from Milwaukee went to a regional sales convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be home in time for dinner. But the meeting ran overtime, and the men had to race to the railway station, tickets...

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St. Vincent De Paul 04-23-17

St. Vincent de Paul Through your donations in the last three months we have helped 313 families, 508 adults, 291 children, and we gave out 864 bags of food. Next week is our St. Vincent de Paul Sunday Collection. We will take your monetary donation and invest it in...

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Hospitality Sunday 04-23-17

 ~~ Hospitality Sunday  ~ ~ After ALL Morning Masses ~~In the Hall Be sure and thank the Knights of Columbus for setting it up and making sure that everything is ready for you to enjoy! Come for the Coffee & Donuts, stay for the conversation ! SEE YOU THERE!!!

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Vatican Corner 04-23-17

VATICAN CORNER In Chapter 27 of the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake is described that shook Jerusalem on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. Matthew 27:50-54 reads: “Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last. At that moment the curtain of the temple...

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Pastors Desk 04-23-17

An Iranian mother spared the life of her son’s convicted murderer with an emotional slap in the face as he awaited execution with the noose around his neck, a newspaper reported on Thursday. The dramatic climax followed a rare public campaign to save the life of...

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Marian Festival 2017

St. Joachim Church Marian Festival ~~ Festival Mariano We invite you to this special celebration to pray together in honor of Our Mother Mary Los invitamos en esta celebracion especial para orar juntos en honor a Nuestro Madre Maria. May 10, 2017~~ Wednesday /...

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Vatican Corner 04-16-17

VATICAN CORNER Bell ringing during Mass helps to focus the attention of the faithful on the miracle that is taking place on the altar of sacrifice. It highlights the consecration and presentation of the Eucharist and it creates a joyful noise to the Lord. But ringing...

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Pastors Desk 04-16-17

For ages the southernmost point of Africa was known as the most dangerous place in the ocean. No one knew what lay beyond that cape, for no ship attempting to round that point had ever returned to tell the tale. Among the ancients it was known as the "Cape of Storms,"...

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Easter Sunday Mass Schedule

Easter Sunday Mass Schedule 7:30 AM — English 9:00 AM — English 10:30 AM — English 12:15 PM — English 2:00 PM — Español 6:00 PM — Español

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Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week Schedule   8:30 AM—Morning Prayer Service — English 7:00 PM—Mass of the Lords Supper — Misa de la ultima cena de El Señor — Bilingual 8:30 AM—Morning Prayer Service — English 12 Noon—Stations of the Cross and 7 Last Words—English 2:00 PM— Reflections and...

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