St. Joachim News
Altar Servers April 8th
The Altar Servers will meet next Saturday â April 8th starting with the 8:30 AM mass with a meeting following. It is VERY important that ALL Altar Servers a"end as the Agenda is Palm Sunday, Triduum and Easter Mass Responsibilities. Everyone is expected to...
Vatican Corner 04-09-17
VATICAN CORNER ContinuedâŚSometimes living things get classified not according to their biology, but instead get classified for convenience or for financial reasons. An example is the tomato, which grows from a flowering plant and contains seeds, which makes it by...
Pastors Desk 04-09-17
The Greek author Plutarch describes how Kings are supposed to enter a city. He tells about one Roman general, Aemilius Paulus, who won a decisive victory over the Macedonians. When Aemilius returned to Rome, his triumphal procession lasted three days. The first day...
Bulletin 04-09-17
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Vatican Corner 04-02-17
VATICAN CORNER The week of March 26th, 2017 saw some startling news stories come out of the Vatican. According to a Vatican spokesman, the idea of constructing a 600 foot diameter Ferris wheel in St. Peterâs Square is being seriously considered. Its purpose will be to...
Pastors Desk 04-02-17
Did  you know that the first president of the United States to refuse to kiss the Bible after his oath at his inauguration was Franklin Pierce, the 14th President? The reason is rather interesting. When Pierce had been elected, he and Mrs. Pierce and their son, two...
Bulletin 04-02-17
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Vatican Corner 03-26-17
VATICAN CORNER Historically, the Catholic Church has observed the disciplines of fasting and abstinence at various times each year. Fasting is the reduction in the intake of food, while abstinence is the refraining from a particular food, like meat. The Church teaches...
Pastors Desk 03-26-17
Bob Allred tells the story about a country preacher who was listening to a seminary professor cast doubt on the core issues of the Faith. When the professor finished his lecture, the elderly pastor got up, took an apple from his lunch bag and started eating it as he...
Bulletin 03-26-17
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Vatican Corner 03-19-17
VATICAN CORNER Sexual abuse survivor Marie Collins of Ireland, resigned March 1, 2017 from her position on Pope Francisâ Commission for the Protection of Minors. The Commission was set up to help improve measures within the Catholic Church to protect children against...
Pastors Desk 03-19-17
When we read the Bible or listen to sermons, very often we come across the word, âSamaritanâ. To understand what this term âSamaritanâ refers to and why the Jews and the Samaritans looked at each other with contempt, we need to know the Jewish history. This mutual...
Bulletin 03-19-17
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Lents 2017
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Taller Tecnicas para comunicarse en familia 03-23-17
Taller Escuela Diocesana De Padres De Familia Tecnicas para comunicarse en familia. Objetivo: Ofrecer a los padres de familia herramientas psicologicas para una comunicacion integral, de tal modo, que ayude a su crecimiento como persona, como padres de familia...
Social Security Benefits Workshop 03-22-17
Holy Thursday 03-23-17
Holy Thursday We are looking for Twelve volunteers to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lordâs Supper Holy Thursday â April 13th at 7 PM Have you been baptized ? Can you come to a practice Thursday â March 23rd at 7 PM ? If yes to the above and interested,...
Senior Gathering 03-17-17
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS!! Our next senior gathering will be on Friday, March 17th at 11:30AM at Harry's Hofbrau, 14900 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, 94578 Please RSVP to Selena by March 15th to (510) 517-3039 Don't forget to wear your St. Patrick's Day Green!!
Vatican Corner 03-12-17
VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis spoke to 140 leaders at the assembly of the Superior Generals of male religious organizations and congregations, on November 25, 2016. The text of that conversation was published Feb. 9, 2017. In an unscripted question and answer session...
Pastors Desk 03-12-17
There is a mysterious story in 2 Kings that can help us understand what is happening in the Transfiguration. Israel is at war with Aram, and Elisha, the man of God, is using his prophetic powers to reveal the strategic plans of the Aramean army to the Israelites. At...
Bulletin 03-12-17
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Stations of the Cross & Soup Supper
Parish Lenten Retreat 03-25-17
âCome away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while...â Mk 6:31 Fr. Jim Sullivan Donât miss the Parish Lenten Retreat Led by Retreat Master ~ Fr. Jim Sullivan Fr. Jim Sullivan was ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Oakland, California, in 2006. He is...
Retiro de Cuaresma 03-11-17
âVengan, vamos nosotros solos a descansar un poco en un lugar tranquilo...â Mc 6:31 Padre Eduardo FernĂĄndez No te pierdas el Retiro de Cuaresma de la Parroquia guiado por el Padre Eduardo FernĂĄndez, SJ, STD. AdemĂĄs de dar clases de TeologĂa hispana y pastoral en la...