St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 03-05-17

VATICAN CORNER Continued…Pope Francis saw first-hand the mafia side of the Order of the Knights of Malta when in 2008 senior Knights made a failed attempt to remove him as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and replace him with a bishop who was the Knight’s chaplain in...

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Pastors Desk 03-05-17

In Greek mythology, the Sirens are creatures with the heads of beautiful women and the bodies of attractive birds. They lived on an island (Sirenum scopuli; three small rocky islands) and, with the irresistible charm of their song, they lured mariners to their...

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Lenten Retreats-March

Mark your Calendars for Our Lenten Retreats English Retreat — Saturday March 25th 9AM—3 PM The retreat will be in the Hall & will be led by Retreat Master Fr. Jim Sullivan Spanish Retreat — Saturday March 11th 9:30AM—3 PM Retiro celebrado en la Iglesia guiado por:...

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Hospitality Sunday 02-26-17

Hospitality Sunday After ALL Morning Masses ~~In the Hall Be sure and thank the Knights of Columbus for setting it up and Making sure that everything is ready for you to enjoy! Come for the Coffee & Donuts, stay for the conversation ! SEE YOU THERE!!

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Vatican Corner 02-26-17

VATICAN CORNER continued… Today the Order of the Knights of Malta have only “obedience” as a vow. As of the 1990s officers are no longer drawn solely from Europe’s nobility. Their motto has always been “Defense of the (Catholic) faith and assistance to the poor.”...

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Pastors Desk 02-26-17

Of the many volunteers who help in the smooth running of our church, Mass Coordinators are very special. Because all the activities in our church is finally geared to the celebration of the Eucharist which the Vatican II calls it as “the source and the summit of the...

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Portuguese Donuts Morning of February 19th.

Maria Silva and her team of Bakers have been busy making “Filhos” - Portuguese Donuts and they will be ready a$er the Morning Masses today — SUNDAY February 19th. If you placed and order in advance your donuts are ready and wai"ng for you a$er your Mass. If you to...

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Vatican Corner 02-19-17

VATICAN CORNER Residents of Rome awoke Saturday February 4, 2017 to find dozens of posters on the walls of their city showing a scowling Pope Francis. The posters read “Ah Francis, you’ve taken over congregations, removed priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and...

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Pastors Desk 02-19-17

On the Veterans Day of November 1996, Phan Thi Kim Phuc, now 33, came to the black granite Vietnam Veterans Memorial as a wife and mother, to tell several thousand spectators that she forgives those who bombed her village and has put the past behind her. Kim Phu...

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Mardi Gras Dinner 02-28-17

  Students with ID $10, seniors over 65 $15. Tickets available at the church office. Tuesday February 28. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Dinner starts at 7 pm in Parish Hall.   St. Joachim Church 21255 Hesperian Blvd Hayward, CA, USA 94541 Office Phone: 510 783 2766...

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Vatican Corner 02-12-17

VATICAN CORNER A van departs every morning from Castel Gandolfo, the Vatican’s lakeside palace and farm, 12 miles south of Rome. At the Castel there are terraced vegetable gardens producing everything from artichokes and bell peppers to carrots and zucchini. A herd of...

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Pastors Desk 02-12-17

Some of the memorable events in my life as a priest have taken place during the last six years that I have been the pastor of St. Joachim parish, Hayward. One such incident took place on Friday, January 27th 2017. I was informed by our office secretary that a couple...

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Portuguese Donuts Morning of February 19th.

  Portuguese Donuts are Coming Back!!!! Maria and her Bakers will be busy early in the morning of SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19th making Portuguese Donuts “ Filhos” to tempt our tastebuds with all profits going to the Church but first she is looking for dona"ons of flour,...

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Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Oakland 02-12-17

El Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial de Oakland hace una cordial invitacion a toda la communidad a celebrar El Dia Mundial del Matrimonio el Domingo 12 de Febrero del 2017 a las 2:00 pm, En la Parroquia de San Joaquin 21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward CA 9541. Al terminar la...

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Monthly Altar Server Meeting 02-11-17

Our next monthly altar server meeting will be : Saturday, February 11th. We will meet for 8:30AM mass in the church and meeting will follow. Agenda for our meeting will be to discuss the Lenten Season. Please bring something small to share with our ministry group. All...

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Vatican Corner 02-05-17

VATICAN CORNER On January 4, 2017, McDonalds’s restaurants opened a franchise just steps away from the gleaming white marble dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, angering Catholic Cardinals and local business owners. The new restaurant is in a popular tourist area just...

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Pastors Desk 02-05-17

It is such a joy to celebrate mass in St.Joachim church. One of main the reasons is our parish is blessed with committed group of volunteers who meticulously prepare everything needed prior to the celebration of the mass. All these committed volunteers trace their...

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