St. Joachim News
Annual Crab Feed & Silent Auction 02-11-17
School Applications January 29th
 School Applications St. Joachim School is currently accepting applications for grades Pre-K through 8th. If you are interested in learning more about the school, please contact the office at 510-783-3177 or visit us at our Open House this Sunday, January 29th, from...
Pastors Desk 01-29-17
The feasts and festivals that we had celebrated in recent times such as the Festival of Guadalupe, the Simbang Gabi celebrations, the Posada celebrations, the festival of Christmas etc., has demonstrated beyond doubt that St. Joachim is full of life. Quite a few times...
Bulletin 01-29-17
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Vatican Corner 01-22-17
VATICAN CORNER On March 13, 2017 Pope Francis will be beginning his fifth year as Pope and entering it with good health. The Jubilee of Mercy was a very active year for him and 2017 is promising to be active as well. So far as Pope he has made 17 foreign trips and...
Pastors Desk 01-22-17
On Saturday January 14th I was informed that Tita Ising Buendia died the previous day in the Philippines. The first thought that came to my mind was, “what a saintly woman we had and lost.” Indeed I consider it such a privilege and fortune to have come to know her....
Bulletin 01-22-17
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Hayward Santo Niño Fiesta 01-28-17
Saturday, January 28, 2017 -Rosary 1:00 pm -Mass: 2:00 pm Celebration to follow at the Gym Everyone is invited For more information please contact : Hayward Santo Niño Prayer Group Fely: (510) 397-2140.     Angie: (510) 332-1714.
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial January 27th-28th-29th, 2017
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Un Fin de Semana de descubrimiento… 27, 28, 29 de Enero del 2017 Una vida llena de amor Para informacion llamar a: Ramon & Maria E. Gutierrez 510-432-9802 El Fin de Semana es una experiencia de 44 horas lejos de las distracciones de...
Vatican Corner 01-15-17
VATICAN CORNER The newborn children of Vatican employees were baptized by Pope Francis on Sunday January 8, 2017 in the Sistine Chapel during the annual Mass celebrating the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. During the Christmas season, this Mass is one of...
Pastors Desk 01-15-17
On Saturday 7th 2017, as I was waiting for the entrance hymn to begin to proceed to the altar, one of our parishioners came closer to me and said, “It makes me feel sad that next week we are going to take down the Christmas decorations. This year’s Christmas...
Bulletin 01-15-17
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Seniors Gathering 01-20-17
Attention all seniors : Our next potluck gathering will be held on Friday, January 20th at noon in the St. Joachim Hall. We will be planning the 2017 activities. Please R.S.V.P. to Selena (510) 517-3039. All seniors are welcome.
Altar Servers Meeting 01-14-17
-All altar servers and parents we will be having our next altar server meeting on Saturday, January 14th. -Please join us by attending 8:30am mass. -Meeting will follow. -Please bring something small to share with our ministry. Agenda: Recap of November & December...
Vatican Corner 01-08-17
VATICAN CORNER In 1508 Pope Julius II invited the Italian painter Raphael, a student of Leonardo da Vinci, to Rome and commissioned him to paint religious frescos in the Vatican Palace. He found several artists already at work on different rooms, many painting over...
Pastors Desk 01-08-17
It was a hot day in July 1969 on board an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. Sailors with binoculars were searching the sky above the carrier. Suddenly they let out a yell. There, orange and white parachutes exploded and bloomed in the blue sky. Dangling from them was a...
Bulletin 01-08-17
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Vatican Corner 01-01-17
VATICAN CORNER A calendar is like a chain that emerges out of the waters of oblivion and holds the ship of history to its moorings. Beneath the surface of the waters, there must have been sunk some kind of an anchor. -- P.W. Wilson. There are six principal calendars...
Pastors Desk 01-01-17
A boy asked his father, "Dad, if three frogs were sitting on a limb that hangs over a pool, and one frog decided to jump off into the pool, how many frogs would be left on the limb?" The dad replied, "Two." "No," the son replied. “Here is the question again: There are...
Bulletin 01-01-17
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Pastors Desk 12-25-16
It was the day after Christmas at a church in San Francisco. The pastor of the church was looking at the manger scene, when he noticed that the baby Jesus figure was missing from the cradle. He immediately turned and went outside and saw a little boy with a red wagon...
Vatican Corner 12-25-16
VATICAN CORNER The Christmas tree and Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square this year, while very beautiful, also highlight social issues such as care for the environment, inspiration for the sick, and the plight of migrants. The 82 ft. high spruce tree came from the...
Bulletin 12-25-16
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Vatican Corner 12-18-16
VATICAN CORNER Since July, 2016, a white and blue-striped RV style van marked with a Vatican City license plate and coat of arms has been running around Rome bringing free medical care to the poor. The RV was converted into a mobile medical unit and donated by the...