St. Joachim News
Pastors Desk 9-18-16
One stormy night many years ago an elderly couple entered the lobby of a small hotel and asked for a room. The clerk explained that because there were three conventions in town, the hotel was filled. He added, "But I can't send a nice couple like you out in the rain...
Bulletin 9-18-16
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Vatican Corner 9-11-16
VATICAN CORNER In April, 2000, the Pokémon kiddie trading-card and computer game craze was soaring in Italy. Worried parents thought it was the work of the devil, but Pope John Paul II decided the game was good for children. The Vatican gave its blessing to the game...
Pastors Desk 9-11-16
For two days in October of 1987, not just a community, not just a state, not just a nation, but the entire world was watching with bated breath the drama of an eighteen-month-old little girl named Jessica McClure who had fallen twenty-two feet through an eight-inch...
Bulletin 9-11-16
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Vatican Corner 9-4-16
VATICAN CORNER A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck central Italy at 3:36 AM on Wednesday August 24, 2016, killing more than 290 people. The region located about 65 miles northeast of Rome with its the picturesque mountain towns of Norcia, Lazio, Umbira and Le Marche...
Pastors Desk 9-4-16
Livingston was a brilliant scholar. He studied Greek, theology, went to Glasgow University and graduated with a degree in Medicine. He could have been anything he wanted to be: a professor, an author, a doctor. But God had called him to the mission field in the...
Bulletin 9-4-16
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Vatican Corner 8-28-16
VATICAN CORNER …continued The first woman to be hired to work at the Vatican was Anna Pezzoli who in 1915 had a job planning papal celebrations. The biggest hiring push came after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. Today there are about 750 women working...
Pastors Desk 8-28-16
Most Rev. Paul-Émile Léger served as Archbishop of Montreal from 1950 to 1968, and was elevated to the position of Cardinal in 1953 by Pope Pius XII. He was one of the most powerful men in Canada and within the Catholic Church. He was a man of deep conviction...
Vatican Corner 8-21-16
VATICAN CORNER There are about 750 women working in the Vatican which is about one fifth of all Vatican employees, and those women are not doing the cleaning jobs, those jobs are done by men. Most of the women are academics, such as archivists, art historians, office...
Bulletin 8-28-16
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Pastors Desk 8-21-16
Some of you remember George Foreman. Foreman is a two-time former heavyweight boxing champion of the world. He is also an Olympic gold medalist, ordained Baptist minister, author and entrepreneur. Foreman is a colorful character who is probably better known today for...
Bulletin 8-21-16
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Vatican Corner 8-14-16
VATICAN CORNER Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from around the world came to Krakow, Poland joining the native Polish youth July 26th through July 31st, 2016 for the Catholic event know as World Youth Day. It is a huge youth encounter focused on faith and is...
Pastors Desk 8-14-16
Thanks to the generous monetary donations of some of our parishioners we were able to carry out some of the urgent repair and maintenance works in our church that were kept bending for a long time due to lack of needed finance. But the day to day running of the...
Bulletin 8-14-16
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Vatican Corner 8-7-16
VATICAN CORNER continued … In 1950 it was determined that the bones found in a tomb many feet beneath high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica were not those of St. Peter as originally thought. But the archeologists did conclude that it was indeed St. Peter’s grave...
Pastors Desk 8-7-16
During the last five years, in addition to meeting the regular needs of our parish, we have carried out some important projects for the good of our parish community such as Renovation of restrooms = $ 5,000 Repair of the sound system in our church = $ 13,000...
Bulletin 8-7-16
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Vatican Corner 7-31-16
VATICAN CORNER The religious devoted always believed the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica was erected directly above the actual tomb of Peter. But the experts merely smiled, considering this an improbable fairy tale. History tells us that in the year 49 AD Peter ...
Pastors Desk 7-31-16
At the turn of the century, actress Alla Nazimova was one of this country's earliest stars. Unlike many of her colleagues, Nazimova did not become trapped by a glamorous lifestyle. How did she escape? Her perspective on material things changed the day a fire swept...
Bulletin 7-31-16
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Vatican Corner 7-24-16
VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis routinely praises the virtues of dialogue and building bridges, and he did just that by welcoming to the Vatican a figure from his native Argentina who has been not only one of his most vocal critics, but who once actually occupied his...