St. Joachim News


Ash Wednesday 2016

Tuesday February 9th Burning of Palms: At the Placita 7 PM Wednesday February 10th Ash Wednesday English Mass at 7 AM, 8:30 AM, 12 NOON, Liturgy of the Word (with Ashes) 3 PM in English and 7 PM in Spanish, Bilingual Mass at 7 PM . The 7 PM Mass will be telecasted...

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Pastors Desk 2-7-16

There is a story about a sophomore who worked in the library at Princeton, New Jersey to earn money to help with his education. One night about closing time, he was walking around the empty halls of the library when he noticed in the very back corner amid an old stack...

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Vatican Corner 2-7-16

VATICAN CORNER Con"nued …The new book: THE NAME OF GOD IS MERCY, comes from a four hour interview last summer when Pope Francis answered ques"ons from Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli. The ques"ons were on issues linked by the common thread of mercy, described by...

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Pastors Desk 1-31-16

Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that one day, on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners would be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. He had a dream that one day his four children would not be...

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Vatican Corner 1-31-16

VATICAN CORNER con nued… The logo and the mo$o for the Jubilee Year provide fi(ng summaries of what the Jubilee Year is all about. The mo$o: “Merciful Like The Father” from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36 serves as an invita on to follow the merciful example of the Father...

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Pastors Desk 1-24-16

On Jan 21, 2013, Americans heard the inaugural speech of President Barak Obama, opening his second term as the 44th president of the United States. Every single Inaugural Address from George Washington's to Barak Obama’s has been preserved. In these speeches,...

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Vatican Corner 1-24-16

VATICAN CORNER contuined … In another first, Pope Francis has directly appointed some 800 special missionaries from around the world and given them the power to forgive certain very grave sins normally reserved only for the Va"can to forgive. It was the responsibility...

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Pan De Vida 2016 – Video The Pan de Vida youth retreat this past weekend was a tremendous blessing for all participants and volunteers in our parish. Several teens gave their testimony and shared that they initially didn't want to be there, but they were truly...

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Pastors Desk 1-17-16

St. Joachim church was built in the year 1958 with the generous dona!ons received from the parishioners of St. Joachim. The people who built the church had paid a%en!on to every detail to build a beau!ful church which would evoke a sense of feeling of reverence and...

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Vatican Corner 1-17-16

VATICAN CORNER continued … Actually the first Holy Door opened by Pope Francis was the simple wooden one to the cathedral in Bangui in the war-ravaged Central African Republic where he was visi ng last November 2015, just before the start of the Year of Mercy. A list...

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Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy

Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Join us to celebrate the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy… Meeting every First and Third Friday of each month starting Friday, December 18th at 6:30pm in the Science Room Sponsored by the Department of Faith Formation...

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Vatican Corner 1-10-16

VATICAN CORNER Continued… According to “Mondo Va cano,” a mini-encyclopedia published by the Va can, the origin of the Holy Door may trace back to the ancient Chris an prac ce of public penitence. Sinners were given public penances to be performed before receiving...

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Pastors Desk 1-10-16

On January 3rd 2016 after the 12.15 pm mass, as I entered my room my cell phone rang. It was a call from one of my priest friends from the East Coast asking whether everything was all right as I had not bothered to wish him this year the usual Merry Christmas and the...

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