St. Joachim News
Pastor’s Desk 11-22-15
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Pastor’s Desk 11-15-15
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Pastor’s Desk 11-08-15
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Pastor’s Desk 11-01-15
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Pastor’s Desk 10-25-15
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Pastor’s Desk 10-18-15
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Pastor’s Desk 10-11-15
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Bulletin 1-10-16
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Santo Niño Fiesta 2016
St. Joachim Catholic Church Celebrating its 37th Annual Hayward Santo Niño Fiesta On Saturday, January 30, 2016 Rosary 1:00 PM Mass: 2:00 PM Celebration to follow at the Gym Everyone is invited For more information please contact Hayward Santo Niño Prayer Group Fely:...
Walk for Life 2016
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Crab Feed 2016
St. Joachim School Crab Feed and Auction Saturday, February 13, 2016 5:30 PM in the gym Early Bird Tickets: $49 before January 20th After- tickets are $55 Please come and support St. Joachim School Tuition Assistance Program!...
Vatican Corner 1-3-16
VATICAN CORNER con!nued… The ini!al rite of the Jubilee of Mercy is the opening of the Holy Door. This door is only opened during a Holy Year, and is otherwise closed. Tradi!onally only the four major basilicas of Rome have a Holy Door: St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran,...
Pastors Desk 1-3-16
An electrician did a small job, one afternoon, for a popular local restaurant. He met many of the employees and management, and he was very impressed by how friendly everyone was. He and his wife had never been there before, so the following week, they went to the...
Bulletin 1-3-2016
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Blessed and Happy New Year 2016
Vatican Corner 12-27-15
VATICAN CORNER Con!nued ... Mercy is a theme very dear to Pope Francis. He has recounted his very first experience of God’s mercy in his own life, when he walked into a confessional as a 17 year old in Buenos Aires and walked out knowing that he was called to...
Pastors Desk 12-27-15
Typical of last minute Christmas shoppers, a mother was running furiously from store to store. Suddenly she became aware that the pudgy li%le hand of her three-year-old son was no longer clutched in hers. In a panic, she retraced her steps and found him standing with...
Bulletin 12-27-15
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Christmas 2015 Mass Schedule
Vatican Corner 12-20-15
VATICAN CORNER A Va!can official says a statement made by Pope Francis about Christmas fes!vi!es happening while the world is at war has been "grossly mistranslated" by media. In his homily what he actually said was, "We are close to Christmas: there will be lights,...
Pastors Desk 12-20-15
A li'le girl was walking along a beach covered with thousands of starfish le( dying by the receding !de Seeking to help, she started picking up the dying starfish and tossing them back into the ocean. A man who watched her with amusement, said, “Li'le girl, there are...
Apariciones de la Virgen 2015 Video