St. Joachim News


Pastors Desk 10-25-15

There is a story, believed to be true, about Abraham Lincoln, just before the close of the Civil War. Landowners in the Deep South were cutting their losses, liquidating their slaves before slavery was banned, and President Lincoln came upon a slave auction in...

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El Hecho Guadalupano

El Hecho Guadalupano

No te pierdas esta Conferencia! “El Hecho Guadalupano” Conferencista: Luis Fernando Castañeda Conferencista Internacional preparado en el Centro de Estudios Guadalupanos en la ciudad de México con Monseñor Enrique Salazar Martes 01 de Diciembre @ 7pm En el gimnasio de...

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Vatican Corner 10-18-15

VATICAN CORNER continued ….Philadelphia was the third and last U.S. city that Pope Francis visited, arriving Saturday morning Sept. 26, 2015. He celebrated Mass before more than 2,000 priests, women religious and deacons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and...

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Pastors Desk 10-18-15

Michael Hargrove tells about a scene at an airport that literally changed his life. He was picking up a friend. He noticed a man coming toward him carrying two light bags. The man stopped right next to Hargrove to greet his family. The man motioned to his youngest son...

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Vatican Corner 10-11-15

VATICAN CORNER con!nued …On Friday September 25, 2015, on his fourth day in the U.S. and his only full day in New York City, Pope Francis spoke at the United Na!ons General Assembly. He began by blessing the U.N. staff and laying a wreath for U.N. workers who have...

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Pastors Desk 10-11-15

King Herod had married his brother's wife, Herodias, viola!ng the Mosaic Law. John the Bap!st showed courage in condemning the king in public and lost his head for it. The Pharisees were se&ng a trap for Jesus, by asking whether he agreed with his cousin John on...

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Vatican Corner 10-4-15

VATICAN CORNER On Wed. afternoon Sept. 22, 2015, Pope Francis flew from Cuba to Washington D.C., beginning his 3 city visit of the U.S. He rode in a small Fiat 500L from the air base into town and to the White House the next morning where he was welcomed by President...

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Pastors Desk 10-4-15

  .A few years back, a British couple held the Guinness world record for the longest marriage. Percy and Florence Arrowsmith married on June 1, 1925 and celebrated their 80th anniversary on June 1, 2005. "I think we're very blessed," Florence, 100, told the BBC....

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Pastors Desk 9-27-15

  In the beautiful but desolate mountains of southeastern Utah, a twenty-seven year-old mountain climber named Aron Ralston, made a desperate decision. An avid out-doors man, Aron was rock-climbing one day when his right arm became trapped under a boulder, a...

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Vatican Corner 9-27-15

  VATICAN CORNER On Sunday Sept. 20, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated an outdoor Mass in Havana Cuba’s Revolution Square. Those attending were President RaĂşl Castro, the other leaders of the Cuban communist government, and tens of thousands of Cubans. Also there was...

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Pastors Desk 9-20-15

Dick Gregory, a black comedian and ac!vist, once told about taking his oldest son to Mexico to a place where there was no electricity. He said they lived in a hut. He was in the hut one night when his son ran in and said, "Dad, Dad come here. I'm scared. I want to...

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Vatican Corner 9-20-15

VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba and the United States will be very soon, September 19th through 28th, 2015. According to Mike McCaul, who is the chairman of the House Commi#ee on Homeland Security, the United States has uncovered threats against Pope...

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