St. Joachim News


Pastors Desk 8-9-15

Dr. Mark, a well-known cancer specialist, was once on his way to an important conference in another city where he was going to be granted an award in the field of medical research. He was very excited to attend the conference and was desperate to reach as soon as...

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Pastors Desk 8-2-15

This year’s parish picnic at the Kennedy Park on July 25th was a well attended event. Many people worked behind the scene to see that that the parishioners who came for the event had fun and felt a sense of together-ness. The Event’s Committee headed by Mr. Ron Ytem...

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Pastors Desk 7-26-15

  A certain king was to visit a village under his rule and the villagers decided to contribute, each man a jar of wine, for the royal feast. All the wine was to be poured into a big barrel from which it would be served. One man thought to himself: With all the...

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Vatican Corner 7-19-15

Two weeks ago when Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador and emerged from the plane, a breeze whipped off his white zucchetto (skull-cap) and swirled his robes. He smiled and laughed and took it in stride. The same thing happened about 6 months earlier in January, 2015 when...

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Picnic 2015

St Joachim Church ~Parish Picnic Saturday ~July 25th Kennedy Park We are asking everyone to bring a dish to share, and we have made it even easier for you to decide what you can bring— look at this list and find the group that you identify most with, whether it is the...

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Vatican Corner 7-12-15

On Sunday July 5, 2015, Pope Francis began an eight day tour of three South American countries: Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. They are among the poorest nations in Latin America, the region of the world where 40% of all Catholics reside. As Pope, this is his second...

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Vatican Corner 7-5-15

continued … Pope Francis uses poetry, prose and a steady stream of stern recriminations to urge mankind onto a path of survival in his recently released environmental encyclical. He says” very solid scientific consensus” confirms global warming and rising seas, and...

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