St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 5-17-15

Continued … A 135,000 square foot media hub is being prepared in Philadelphia with all its cable feeds, workstations, translators and coffee for the expected 5,000 to 7,000 journalist who will cover the Pope’s visit and the World Meeting of Families event. In the past...

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Pastor’s Desk 5-17-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-17-15

While Fr. Antony is on vacation we are printing a past article that Father had written. A Pastor once traveling in a plane describes a beautiful episode. It was a long fight and there was the sign of a storm and all were asked to fasten their seat belts. Then, after a...

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Vatican Corner 5-10-15

Continued… Archbishop Chaput says that when Pope Francis comes to Philadelphia for two days at the end of September, his pastoral mission will have a dual purpose. The Pope’s participation in the closing of the World Meeting of Families conference is one key element...

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Pastor’s Desk 5-10-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-10-15

While Father is on Vacation, we are printing a past Mother’s Day Pastor’s Desk — Happy Mother’s Day!! My mom only had one eye. I hated her.... She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. There was this one day during...

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Vatican Corner 5-3-15

Continued… Archbishop Charles Chaputsay that he will probably be riding with the Pope in the “Pope mobile, “but one thing is certain, even though he has a Pennsylvania driver’s license, he’s not expecting to be asked to drive the Pope through town. As far as where the...

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Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Pastor’s Desk 5-3-15

Some years ago in the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, the members of one of the large Presbyterian churches decided to undertake a religious census among some 2000 homes in their district. When the results were in, the pastor of the church found himself seated at...

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Vatican Corner 4-26-15

vatican corner Continued…  Archbishop Chaput of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia says that so far church organizers have raised $33 million of their $45     million goal for the World Meeting of Families event, of which Pope Francis will be attending the closing...

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Pastor’s Desk 4-26-15

One census taker went to the home of a rather poor family in the mountains of West Virginia to     gather information. He asked the mother how many dependents she had. She began, "Well, there is  Rosie, and Billy, and Lewella, Susie, Harry, and Jeffrey. There's...

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May 2015 Dance

May 2015 Dance

ST. JOACHIM EVENTS COMMITTEE Invites you to their “Reaching Out 2015” Fundraising Dinner Dance Event Please join us on Saturday, May 30, 2015 At St. Joachim’s Church Gym 21250 Hesperian Blvd., Hayward Tickets: $35  –   Dinner at 7:00 PM Dancing until Midnight Please...

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Marian Festival 2015

Marian Festival 2015

St. Joachim Church Marian Festival ~~ Festival Mariano  We invite you to this special celebration to pray together in honor of Our Mother Mary . Los invitamos en esta celebracion especial para orar juntos en honor a Nuestro Madre Maria. May 6, 2015~~ Wednesday /...

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Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 2015

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 2015

The Apostleship of Prayer St. Joachim Catholic Church   Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday – June 12, 2015 We are inviting everyone to join us in the celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus here at St. Joachim Church. Starting June 3 till June 11,...

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Vatican Corner 4-19-15

Vatican Corner 4-19-15

The name that William Penn gave his colony’s capital city is a combination of Greek words for love: phileo and   brother: adelphos, setting up the       enduring nickname for Philadelphia, PA, the City of Brotherly Love. It is the place where the founding fathers of...

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Pastor’s Desk 4-19-15

Pastor’s Desk 4-19-15

Egyptian pyramids are world-famous as one of the “seven Wonders” of the ancient world. But they are actually gigantic tombs containing the           mummified bodies of Egyptian        Pharaohs. Westminster Abby is        famous, and thousands visit it because the...

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