St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 3-29-15

Vatican Corner 3-29-15

Year after year, parishes around the world take up the traditional annual Good Friday Collection for the Church in the Holy Land. The proceeds from the Collection go to the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. The Franciscans have been caring for the holy sites there...

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Pastor’s Desk 3-29-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-29-15

Rome was celebrating its temporary victory over Alaric the Goth in its usual manner, by watching gladiators fight to the death in the arena, when suddenly there was an interruption. A rudely robed figure boldly leaped down into the arena. Telemachus was one of the...

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Holy Thursday 2015

Holy Thursday 2015

Holy Thursday -April 2, 2015 Would you like to be one of the Twelve to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday? Would you like to be a participant in our Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 PM ? Are you a Baptized Catholic?...

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Vatican Corner 3-22-15

Vatican Corner 3-22-15

continued … Prior to 1965, the Latin response: “ET cum spiritu tuo,“ which literally means “And with your spirit,” when translated into the English liturgy became “And also with you.” The translation was thought to convey the same meaning but be more straightforward....

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Pastor’s Desk 3-22-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-22-15

For a Catholic, there is nothing more precious than the Communion. Because we firmly believe that what is consecrated on the altar, what the priest gives to us at the time of communion, what we hold in our hand and what we consume is the body and the blood of Jesus....

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Vatican Corner 3-15-15

Vatican Corner 3-15-15

On Saturday evening March 7, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at All Saints Church in Rome in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first time Mass was offered in the local vernacular language – (Italian) rather than in Latin. Pope Francis concluded his...

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Pastor’s Desk 3-15-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-15-15

On the southern border of the Persian empire of Cyrus, there lived a great chieftain named Cagular who tore to shreds and completely defeated the various detachments of Cyrus’ army sent to subdue him. Finally the emperor, amassing his whole army, marched down,...

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Pastor’s Desk 3-8-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-8-15

The Diocese of Oakland under the leadership of the present bishop Most Rev. Michael Barber SJ has begun a Capital Campaign for the entire diocese of Oakland. This capital campaign is mainly to raise money to support the various programs of the diocese with a long time...

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Vatican Corner 3-8-15

Vatican Corner 3-8-15

Catholics abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Fridays during Lent. Abstinence is one of Christian’s oldest traditions. According to The Catholic Source Book, “From the first century, the day of the crucifixion has been traditionally observed as a day...

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Stations of the Cross 2015

Stations of the Cross 2015

Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper Our Stations of the Cross and Soup suppers were very well attended last year so we will do them the same way this year . Both will occur on FRIDAYS starting with Bilingual Stations of the Cross at 7 PM followed by a simple...

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Vatican Corner 3-1-15

Vatican Corner 3-1-15

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 Pope Francis walked in a solemn procession between churches on Rome’s ancient Aventine Hill, calling on Catholics to humbly remember their human limits as they began the annual 40 day penitential Lenten period leading to Easter on April...

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Pastor’s Desk 3-1-15

Pastor’s Desk 3-1-15

There is nothing more heartening for a writer than to see what he writes is eagerly read by the people. Many times I was stopped on the way by Spanish speaking parishioners of ours to say how much they enjoy reading the Pastor’s desk in our parish bulletin. Some of...

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Vatican Corner 2-22-15

Vatican Corner 2-22-15

A cardinal is a senior ecclesiastical leader and is usually also an ordained bishop. A cardinal’s duties include attending meetings of the College of Cardinals, making himself available to the Pope as requested, and many are also leaders of a diocese or archdiocese,...

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Pastor’s Desk 2-22-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-22-15

We have begun the season of lent. During this season many of us have the habit of giving up something as a Lenten sacrifice. Recently I read an article in which Mr. Jackson Craig Gates writes about things that we can give up during the season of lent. I think they are...

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