St. Joachim News


Ash Wednesday 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015

February 18th English Masses 7:00AM 8:30AM 12:00Noon Bilingual Mass 7:00PM Liturgy of the word in English 3:30 Liturgy of the word in Spanish 5:00 Ashes will be given at all the above services

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Vatican Corner 2-15-15

Vatican Corner 2-15-15

During a talk on fatherhood at his general audience on Wednesday February 4, 2015, Pope Francis departed from his prepared text to recount a conversation he once had with a father at a family encounter. Francis indicated that he agreed with the father’s use of...

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Pastor’s Desk 2-15-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-15-15

In 1981 Peter Cropper, a British violinist, was invited to Finland to play a special concert. As a personal favor to Peter, the Royal Academy of Music lent him their priceless 285-year old Stradivarius to use in the concert. This rare instrument takes it name from the...

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Ash Wednesday & Lent In Two Minutes

Ash Wednesday & Lent In Two Minutes

Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads. [video width="854"...

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Seniors 2-20-15

Seniors 2-20-15

HELLO SENIORS It is time for us to start our activities for the new year. Our next get together is going to be on Feb. 20 at APPLEBEES RESTAURANT in Southland. We will meet at 11:30 AM. Please call Lorry or Ken Goode at 276-9338 for a reservation SEE YOU...

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Vatican Corner 2-8-15

Vatican Corner 2-8-15

continued … In Manila on Sunday morning January 18, 2015, Pope Francis visited the Catholic University of Santo Tomas, where he drew a crowd of 200,000 and where he came close to tears himself hearing from two rescued street children speak of their lives growing up...

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Pastor’s Desk 2-8-15

Pastor’s Desk 2-8-15

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a crisp new $20 bill. There were 200 people in the room. The speaker asked them, "How many of you would like to have this $20 bill?" Hands went up all over the room. Then the speaker said, "I'm going to give...

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Lenten Retreat 2015

Lenten Retreat 2015

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while...” Mk 6:31 Don’t miss the Parish Lenten Retreat “Lent is more than giving up chocolate” led by Retreat Master Dn. Dave Young Ordained in 2005 as a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Norwich in Connecticut....

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Retiro de Cuaresma 2015

Retiro de Cuaresma 2015

“Vengan, vamos nosotros solos a descansar un poco en un lugar tranquilo...” Mc 6:31 No te pierdas el Retiro de Cuaresma de la Parroquia “Siguiendo a Jesús” guiado por: Padre Eduardo Fernández, SJ, STD Además de dar clases de Teología hispana y pastoral en la Escuela...

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Teen Lenten Retreat – 2015

Teen Lenten Retreat – 2015

Are you a student in Middle School (6-8th)?... If so, join other teens your age at our Parish for the Lenten Retreat Reality Check led by NET Ministries When: Wednesday, February 25th ~ 6-10pm Where: St. Joachim’s Gym Cost: $30 Registration forms available at the...

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Cookie Time

Cookie Time

It.s almost that time of year to get your FAVORITE Girl Scout cookies!! Girl Scout Troop 31080 will have your cookies to purchase for $5 a box in the placita on Saturday, February 7th . 4PM to 6PM Sunday, February 8th . 8AM to 2:00PM and Saturday, February 14th . 4PM...

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Confirmation Retreat 2015

Confirmation Retreat 2015

KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS… Please keep our teens and youth leaders of our parish in your prayers so that they may encounter Christ in a deep and profound way at their Confirmation Retreat, Feb 6th-8th. MANTENOS EN TUS ORACIONES... Manten a los jovenes y líderes de...

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Vatican Corner 2-1-15

Vatican Corner 2-1-15

continued … Pope Francis left Sri Lanka and landed in the Philippines on Thursday January 15, 2015. The Pope said the main reason for the visit was to meet survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest storm ever recorded on land which claimed more than 7,350 lives...

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A BLESSED Weekend — The Pan de Vida Retreat

A BLESSED Weekend — The Pan de Vida Retreat

The Pan de Vida youth retreat this past weekend was a tremendous blessing for all participants and volunteers in our parish. Several teens gave their testimony and shared that they initially didn't want to be there, but they were truly happy that their parents made...

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Vatican Corner 1-25-15

Vatican Corner 1-25-15

On January 12, 2015, Pope Francis began his second Asian pilgrimage in five months, visiting Sri Lanka for two days and the Philippines for three. It is exactly 20 years after St. John Paul II‘s record setting visit to those two countries. Pope Francis has defined the...

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