St. Joachim News




Communal Reconciliation  / Servicio Penitencial Wednesday December 17th 7pm-9pm Priests from other Parishes will be here to assist. Miercoles, 17 de Diciembre 7 pm - 9 pm Sacerdotes deotras Parroquias estarán aquí para ayudar

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Vatican Corner 12-14-14

Vatican Corner 12-14-14

On Sept. 20, 2014 Pope Francis named Bishop Blase Cupich, 65, to be the new archbishop of Chicago. Before this appointment he was the Bishop of Spokane, Washington, and he is considered a “moderate” within the Church. But when asked about “moderate”, he said “I am...

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Simbang Gabi

Simbang Gabi

The Simbang Gabi Ministry of St. Joachim Church is inviting everyone to participate in the coming Simbang Gabi Masses which starts on the 16th to the 24th of December at 5:30AM followed by a reception in the gymnasium. Simbang Gabi (Dawn Mass or Misa De Gallo) is a...

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The St. Joachim Music Ministry and the St. Joachim School Children’s Choir Invite you to join them in their Christmas Presentation, THE LIGHT of CHRISTMAS (A Dinner and Concert Event) Directed by: Ariel Mayormita Armond Seishas and Andres Gonzalez December 13, 2013...

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Vatican Corner 12-7-14

Vatican Corner 12-7-14

On November 31, 2014 Pope Francis concluded a three-day trip to the cities of Ankara and Istanbul in Turkey. The trip was primarily to meet again with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of over 250 million Orthodox Christians, whose Church broke away from...

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Nota de nuestro pastor 12-7-14

Nota de nuestro pastor 12-7-14

Un monje estaba pasando a lo largo de una       carretera desierta y peligrosa. Se encontró a un hombre herido con fiebre alta desamparadamente tirado en la carretera. El monje tuvo compasión de él y empezó a cuidar de él. El limpió las heridas y las ató con hojas...

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Pastor’s Desk 12-7-14

Pastor’s Desk 12-7-14

A monk was passing along a dangerous and deserted highway. He came across a wounded man with high fever lying         helplessly on the roadside. The monk took compassion on him and began to take care of him. He cleaned his wounds and tied them with medicinal leaves;...

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Novenario a la Virgen de Guadaupe

Novenario a la Virgen de Guadaupe

Grupo Guadalupano El grupo Guadalupano de la pa rroquia,le invita a formar parte del Novenario a la Virgen de Guadaupe, patrocinando uno de los días de la novena. Integrantes del grupo estarán afuera para tomar su información en el caso de que decidan formar parte del...

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Greetings Seniors

Greetings Seniors

Come join us for our Christmas Luncheon on Dec. 19 at noon in the Parish Hall. This should be a great time, and great food. To make a reservation contact Lorry or Ken Goode at 276-9338 and tell them what you would like to bring. See you there!!

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Vatican Corner 11-29-14

Vatican Corner 11-29-14

In Early October 2014, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, the head of the department that distributes charity on behalf of the Pope, was talking to Franco a homeless man from Sardinia and found out that it was his 50th birthday. The man had been living on...

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Nota de Nuestro Pastor – 11-29-14

Nota de Nuestro Pastor – 11-29-14

Hay un psicólogo de Harv ard llamado Howard Gardner quien está intentando revolucionar el estudio de la inteligencia. Dice que hemos estado estudiando el I.Q. muy mal. La mayoría de todas las pruebas de inteligencia qu e las instituciones de aprendizaje y empleo...

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Pastor’s Desk – 11-29-14

Pastor’s Desk – 11-29-14

There is a psychologist at Harvard named Howard Gardner who is trying to revolutionize the study of intelligence. He says that we have been studying I.Q. all wrong. Almost all the intelligence tests the institutions of learning and employment conduct only measure one...

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Nota de nuestro Pastor – 11-23-14

Nota de nuestro Pastor – 11-23-14

Como un Sacerdote procedente de la India,   encuentro tantas cosas fascinantes en los     Estados Unidos. Las hermosas costas, parques nacionales, ríos, montañas con nieve, poderosos puentes, trenes largos, caminos y control de tráfico, limpieza en lugares públicos,...

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Vatican Corner 11-23-14

Vatican Corner 11-23-14

Vatican Corner Practically every continent has some version of           Thanksgiving, from Africa's Kwanzaa, India's Pongal to China's August Moon Festival. Each of these cultures     celebrates the end of the harvest with a shared feast of the bounty. In Italy many...

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Pastor’s Desk 11-23-14

Pastor’s Desk 11-23-14

As a priest coming from India, I find so many fascinating things in the U.S. The beautiful seashores, National parks, mighty rivers, snowy mountains, mighty bridges, mile long trains, roads and traffic management, Cleanliness in public places etc., are some of these....

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